The Rose of Tralee

This is my little contribution to St Patrick's Day.  Not quite what I had intended to post, but sometimes things just don't go the way you want them to!

The handwriting is that of my husband's great-grandmother.  We have a little notebook which belonged to her and in it she has written out a few of her favourite poems and songs.  She even practiced writing her married name - its quite sweet. 

Her father came to Greenock from Ireland in the mid 19th century - as did many others.  My father's ancestors came over here about the same time.

This is in memory of all those who had to leave their beloved country and for the great things they accomplished in their adopted lands.

Love, Liz


Jem said…
I've been thinking about my Grandad a great deal today and as this was a song he'd have me play on the piano you've made my day :-)

Happy St Patrick's Day

Jem xXx
Scarlett said…
What a lovely post, i have some handwritten bits and pieces from my grandparents and great grandparents and they are so special. Happy st paddys day Scarlett x
Jill said…
What a cherished keepsake. Perfect for today. Glad you shared it, Liz.
How sweet! What a nice piece of history from your husband's great-grandma. And so fitting for today! Thanks for sharing. :-)


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