Green Tea

I thought I'd share this bright green teacup today since it will be St Patrick's day later in the week.

Its by Royal Winton and made in England.

Its saucer is a very unusual shape, but I suppose it meant that you could have your cake and eat it if you weren't sitting at table.

There is I lovely raised flower pattern at both ends of the saucer and the little area for the cup has a lovely raised, edge.

A flower is also incorporated into the cup handle.

A pretty wee set I think, but perhaps not to everyone's taste?

Love, Liz

Its teacup Tuesday, so I'm linking up with -
Terri at Artful Affirmations and


Jem said…
Snack sets are so practical for those tea and cake/biscuit moments, yours is such a gorgeous, springy shade of green! The handle of the teacup is exquisite

Jem xXx
Scarlett said…
its so pretty, love it. I only have a couple with the cake plate bit but I'm always on the look out for more :o) Scarlett x
Vintage Gal said…
The tea cup is absolutely adorable ~ a perfect shade of green. Enjoy your tea ;-)
Unknown said…
Lovely photo's and a lovely tea cup...did you eat the cake??!
Elaine said…
Liz, thanks for visiting me on my chintz blog today! I love you Royal Winton cup, I think the flower is a Martagon Lily I have seen these growing wild in Switzerland. I have enjoyed visiting your blog and having a good browse. I have the two books you mention as good reads sitting in my (very large) waiting to read pile, I can echo a very similar progression through styles of specs, I love your favourite building and the original architectural details in your home.

Hello Liz,
Very sweet and clever little tea cup and saucer. I'm so clumsy with delicate things, it would not last three days in my hands. But I love to look a them.
I love the color! Yes, that is an unusual set. Looks extra pretty with the daffodils!

Have a happy St. Patrick's Day!

i really love your teacup.. this is infact my ultimate set! love the colours and petunia is my fave apart from roses! green and pink a perfect combo!
Hi Liz: I am in love with that cup. It is beautiful. I am going to try to find it on Ebay. I hope that it does cost and arm and a leg. Thank you so much for sharing it. I have never seen one like it. Beautiful! Hugs, Martha
Catherine said…
I love the colour and design of your teacup , the flower on the plate and cup handle is very unusual.
Catherine said…
I can't leave a comment on your next post(it does not work) we have St Patrick here a big celtic music festival this week.
Used-to-Bees said…
Loving all your Irish themed finds (quarter Irish meself!) I just found your lovely blog thanks to your comment - it won't let me comment today, so I've put it here! Look forward to coming back for more lovely photos - oh so much better than my decorating!
I have a small collection of those "tea and toast" sets or luncheon/breakfast sets. Yours is beautiful!
HOW LOVELY! Really gorgeous!

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