Greenock Woolies

I was in the mood for knitting and while looking for a pattern for a child's Aran jumper I came across these old patterns which were my Mum's.

She was a great knitter, as were all her friends.  She took her knitting everywhere - even on holiday!   I don't think I had a shop bought sweater until I was in my teens!

What struck me as I look through them, was the number which used Greenock wool!

There used to be lots of woollen mills in Greenock.  They were important in the local economy as they employed lots of women and girls.  There were also many wool shops. 

Shock - smoking and reading …….... well ……....  in a knitting pattern!!!!!

This pattern looks really well used, so I presume that my brother and I had variations of these when we were little.  Aren't they cute?

Love, Liz


Jem said…
I do love the retro pictures on old knitting patterns, lovely things to keep - especially when they were used by someone dear to you :-)

Jem xXx
Jem said…
Liz - I meant to say I've popped a link to you blog on my page as one of my picks for the Liebster Blog Award :-) It's a little recognition for small blogs like ours and a chance to pass along to some of your favourites too

Jem xXx
Jill said…
Very lovely blog! I found you through Betty Jean's blog.

Wow, you can knit a whole sweater or jumper? What talent! I can only knit a scarf, the simplest of things. I think it would have been nice to have handmade clothing when I was young. Let us see some of your finished woolens!


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