Irish Airs

Found this sheet music in a second hand book shop.

Contains a few well known, and some not so well known Irish airs.

Lots of interesting information on the back.

click on picture to increase size

Love, Liz


Jill said…
What a great find! Thanks for sharing.
Scarlett said…
Thats a sweet find. Scarlett x
Jem said…
I'm a sucker or sheet music, this is just lovely!

Jem xXx
Slice of Pie said…
Liz, I'm so glad my post found its way to a real Scot! So nice to meet you. I'm following you, so I can learn more about Scotland and become better blogging friends! I've enjoyed several of your posts on this visit and I'll be back to look at more! Thanks for finding me.
Hi Liz-

Oh, how I'd love to hear all those songs played! I'm a sucker for old fashioned Irish music. What a sweet piece!


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