Heart of the home

My Victorian house has quite a large kitchen.  Just a few weeks ago, I decided to paint the mantle.

I presume at one time this was where the large range would have been.  I would love one of the new range-style cookers, but maybe …  someday (in my dreams).

Here's how it looked before.

Most of the things on top (such descriptive writing) were already elsewhere in the house, but I decided that I needed a nice red and white plate as a finishing touch.  Next day I toured the charity shops and there it was - hidden under a pile of not very attractive china!

Just what I was looking for!

Not bad for 60p!

Love, Liz


Scarlett said…
The mantle looks fab, i would love a range cooker too but no room in my kitchen. I have a couple of plates very similar too which i bought from the car boot a while back. Scarlett x
Jem said…
Liz - what a find, such a gorgeous plate for 60p! Your mantle looks revitalised with the new paint :-)

Jem xXx
Jill said…
What a beautiful transformation!
Catherine said…
I like the transformation.The plate is very nice, i love these british landscapes. I also loved to eat "fish and chips" when I was little during my stays in England! with vinegar!
Unknown said…
It looks so much better, fresher and brighter! I'm sure you'll get your range one day xx
Thanks for all your kind comments. I must admit that I love the way it looks now - much more my style!
I like it better now! It was so dark before and overpowering everything around it. Now, it fits right in, and looks great with the pretty plates! Great idea!

Fábio Carvalho said…
Hello Liz,
Although I love the natural colours od wood, I think that it fits way better now that it´s painted. It was too heavy before.
And sure, the red/white plate is the perfect final touch.
Sindy said…
Love the painted mantel, the tile, and that plate is the perfect touch. So much charm, Liz.
I would love a kitchen like this!
Sindy :)

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