Cosy Knits

This is the first tea cosy I've knit since I was in school, and that certainly wasn't yesterday!

I mentioned to a friend that I was knitting this and she said she would love one - so Karen - this is yours! 
Because you pull the strands of wool across the back, it gives a extra layer for insulation and keeps the tea nice and hot in the pot!

inside out

I took a photo of all my unfinished knitting projects last week, to shame myself into finishing them!  It did the trick! 

I also finished off this little baby cardigan which I started ages ago as a gift for my friend's daughter who was pregnant.  The baby is now five months old and that's it just finished!  Oh, I am so ashamed!  Its only eight inches across, so its for a tiny baby.

There must be four white buttons the same in this lot!

I don't really have any excuses, but I think that its because I hate sewing up that when I'm near the end of a project I kind of put the inevitable off …

So, in order to be really good and show you the finished items, I got to work this weekend and finished off the cosy and cardi!

Great, I hear you say, so now all you have to get on with is the little Aran knit?

Well ……………… I was so chuffed with how the tea cosy turned out ………. that I started another one!

I know, but these colours just called out to me!

Love, Liz


Sylvia said…
Hello Liz,
Lovely tea cosy and that baby cardigan is so cute !
I used to knit a lot, now I'm to busy with my Paint Shop Pro and gardening :-)
Have a nice week,
Enjoy knitting,
Jem said…
Liz I absolutely love the colours you've chosen for your tea cosies!! Just fabulous!

Jem xXx
I love the tea cosy its faberoony. I don't like the sewing up bit either - I am improving though (I have been knitting years) but still not perfect.
Scarlett said…
Loving the tea cosy!! I have a lot of tea pots (even though I dont drink tea) but i think a tea cosy needs to adorn one of them - will keep my eyes out on my travels :o) Scarlett x
Unknown said…
I'm in awe of your knitting skills!! wish I could knit like that, I love them xx
ALISON said…
Hi Liz , thanks for joining me .Just saw your blog about 70's music, it made me think back ..the good old days ...I was at secondary school.....loved Gary Glitter ,Jackson 5 , my sister was in love with Donny and my other sister loved T.rex... we were all different...thanks for taking me back Ciao Alison ...Italy
GardenOfDaisies said…
That tea cozy is just the absolute cutest thing!!! Really cheerful.
Diane said…
My mum can beat you. When I had my daughter, I was 32 years old. My mum finished off SEVERAL projects that she had started for me when I had been born!!! I think that cardi was the same as one of them! Thanks for stopping by - you have a lovely blog. xxx
Hi Liz! I've enjoyed catching up on your posts! There are a lot of them! I love your style! I must say you are an excellent knitter! I am so enamored of that darling wee sweater in white. You have some lovely pieces of china. Our Grandma Thompson was a very proud Scott from Canada, and I have a few china cups from her. Thanks so much for your visits and kind comments!
Ha ha! Shame yourself by taking pictures! So funny! But what a cute tiny little sweater! And I really love the new colors for the new cozy. You really have talent. Now you'll have to find another newborn to fit into the cardigan, or maybe a teddy bear!


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