
Many thanks to an Aussie Angel - Kylie from Lucy Violet Vintage.  A lovely parcel arrived for me from Kylie.  It was full of wonderful things!

Everything was packed in a lovely vintage tin!

A Little Golden Book all about birds and a lovely little book of patterns for dolls' clothes.  Perhaps now I can make something for "Poor Margaret"!

There was a gorgeous bar of soap and a little posy thingy - how sweet is that!

I actually squealed when I opened this little package - it was two gorgeous pillow cases - and the reason I was so excited was that just the previous day I had bought some new bedding in the sales and they match perfectly - can you see where the pillowcases end and the duvet cover starts?  Kylie - I think you must be a psychic chic!

Look how well Kylie's pillow cases match my new bed linen!
And last, but not least - two fab tea towels.  One had famous Scots on it and the other informed me about typical aussie sheilas.  So Kylie - this is for you!

Many, many thanks!

Now to books -

My first read of 2012 was Falling Angels by Tracy Chevalier - the author of Girl With A Pearl Earring.

I really enjoyed this book.  It starts in 1901 with the death of Queen Victoria and follows two families through to the death of King Edward VII in 1910.  The story is told by the women of the families - the mothers and young daughters.  Occasionally other voices - husbands and servants are also heard.  The local cemetery is where much of the story is set, but don't think that it is strange or morbid - the Victorian customs surrounding death and mourning are actually very interesting and anyone who has seen the elaborately decorated gravestones in their local cemetery will know how much symbolism is attached to them.  This book also shows the changes which were happening in the lives of women in the brief sunny interlude as the Victorian era ended and before the horrors of war.
A fantastic book!

Love, Liz


Kylie is a very generous lady! That tin is gorgeous and I love the little golden book.
Kylie said…
I am absolutely chuffed about those pillowcases Liz! I very nearly didn't include them...I thought you might like them, but I wasn't sure. So glad I did.

Will hunt for Falling Angels at the local library, sounds like a good and interesting read.

I think you are a darl too x
Trashsparkle said…
What a lovely set of goodies - and the pillowcases! Psychic vibes were going on there somehow when you found your fabric.

I am ashamed to say I've done NO reading so far this year (this week sounds a bit better!). Well, not books anyway - have done a bit of online reading about royals of the early part of last century. Your book sounds v interesting - will put that on my to-get list x
It is so fun to get a special suprise in the mail!
Rachael said…
What a gorgeous set of gifts - that book sounds like a great read too x
blackenpot said…
What lovely gifts! I just love any material with roses. Looks romantic.
I'm looking for a new book again, so maybe I can inquire at the library about this book.

Enjoy a lovely brand new week.
Kylie's an absolute honey, what a lovely parcel. I'm reading a Tracy Chevalier at the moment - The Virgin Blue. I'll have to look your one out of the library.
Unknown said…
The word "parcel" made the whole post for me. Something so....un-American and wonderful-ness about it. :)
Hello Vintage said…
Aww, lovely stuff from Kylie. I am always looking for good books to read so will have to put it on my list. Not that I get to read much these days but I will get there sooner or later. Sherry :)
Little Nell said…
Lovely gifts Liz. I’ve actually git that book on my shelf of ‘to read’, so I may bring it further up the queue after your endorsement.
custardino said…
What a lovely pile of goodies!
I read "The Virgin Blue" ages ago and loved it - will put "Falling Angels" on my charity shopping list, it sounds like one I'll enjoy.
GardenOfDaisies said…
What lovely gifts!!! I've just put Falling Angels on my "to read" list. I loved Girl With A Pearl Earring.

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