Cosy January

I decided that before I started any new knitting projects this year, I would finish off last year's!  I found a few tea cosies I'd finished knitting, but hadn't sewn up.  So today is the day for getting these finished.

Like this blue and white one.

Shades of purple and lilac.

My poor wee teapot always get to model the tea cosies, but I've never shown her in all her glory, so here she is.  I've had her for ages, but can't remember where I bought her!  She makes a great pot of tea, but, can you keep a secret ... I don't want to hurt her feelings ... she's a terrible pourer!!

Off for a cuppa and a few chocs!

Love, Liz


Unknown said…
Adorable! My sister and I have a word for that kind of thing...Cutesy!! :)
Rachael said…
You've totally inspired me to try making a tea cosy - as i've just realised our mini tea pot goes naked when it's brewing!
Anonymous said…
I just found your blog today and love it. I love fine china and am enjoying your finds so much.
lucy joy said…
If I had to be an inanimate object - it'd definitely be a teapot wearing one of those cosies!
Mum said…
She looks pretty though, with or without her clothes!
Love from Mum
Fancy Vintage said…
I am so loving those tea cosies! Really cute, I think I need about 25 of them! How cute would that look. Too bad I'm too lazy to knit or crochet! My sister in law crocheted loads of Christmas presents for me, am so in awe. Thanks for visiting me, sorry I've been so rubbish commenting on blogs this year. Happy New Year to you. Becca x
Love the knitting I too am trying to finish off some projects before I start more.
Claire said…
Hey Liz, well done on finishing off those projects.......a gold, sticky star for you my dear.

Nice teapot in all it's glory, what a shame it's not a good pourer.
I think we should be able to test teapots for their pouring ability before purchasing.........I'm sure shop owners would be happy to oblige, hehe......

It's going to be a hot day here, so no tea cosies needed but ice tea is definitely the go.

Claire :}
These are the cutest tea cozys and I thank you so much for sharing the patterns with me...I haven't made one yet, but I am going to.

Happy New Year!
Gorgeous! Eyerything is better with a cosy.
Kylie said…
Funny what Lucy said. When I received your lovely tea cosy the first thing my youngest daughter said was, "can I wear it?"
Maybe you should start making beanies too Liz...
Good idea, Kylie! We certainly needs woolly hats here in Scotland at the moment!
Thanks to everyone for all the lovely comments.
Catherine said…
i love these tea cosies, i woul love to know how to do them.
Happy New Year to you and your family. Blessings Catherine
claire said…
awww and a lovely tea pot she is too :)
Used-to-Bees said…
Gorgeous cosies! At least the teapot looks pretty whilst doing a bad job - it's hard to find a good pourer these days. Happy New Year to you and yours - may 2012 bring you everything you wish for!
Vintage Jane said…
So glad to be the owner of one of your lovely S&G cosies! M x
Betty said…
Liz, your cozies are adorable, would you mind if I "Featured" you at ShabbyTeaParty? Warm Hugs,

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