Book of Burns Poems

Its Burns' Night tonight and I wanted to show you this old book which was my Granny's and as you can see, was very well used.

I think that along with the Bible, many  household in Scotland would also have a copy of Burns' poems.

Here's a epitaph Burns wrote about a Mauchline (East Ayrshire) man - sounds like a bit of a character!

Lament him, Mauchline husbands a',
He aften did assist ye;
For had ye staid whole weeks awa',
Your wives they ne'er had missed ye.

Ye Mauchline bairns, as on ye pass
To school in bands thegither,
O, tread ye lightly on his grass,
Perhaps he was your father.

There's a good site where you can find out more about Robert Burns, his life and poetry at - Robert Burns Country.

I've written about Burns, Highland Mary and the Greenock connection here.

I'm not going to any Burns Suppers this year (sob, sob), but if you are - then have a great time!

Love, Liz


ted and bunny said…
have a happy Burns Night!
If you stay in will you still make haggis?
bellaboo said…
My husbands BIL is Scottish and we all celebrated Burns night last Saturday.They did the whole bit...Kilts,haggis,neeps and tatties,lots of reciting of Burns(which I couldn't understand!)It was great fun though.We were asked to wear something tartan,so I found some ribbon to make a hairband for me, and a bow for Bella!
I am almost ashamed to admit this, but I absolutely detest haggis!!!! Oh dear, my terrible secret is out now! Don't really like whiskey either - can I really be a true Scot?
Rachael said…
I'm still yet to try haggis and apparently isn't something that can be imported to America, so they have to make it differently [or something along those lines]. Anyway .... lovely old book, great family memento.
Paulette said…
Wonderful family treasure.❤
Happy Burns Night! Don't worry about not liking haggis - mainly 'local delicacies' seem designed to be unnappealing. I'm Welsh but have never really fancied laverbread!
blackenpot said…
Hi Liz, gongrats with Burns,. In Bergen they have a man come and make haggis for the celebration of Burns.
I've tried haggis a few times and think it's okay.

Thanks for sharing.
Shane Pollard said…
Happy Robbie Burns night Liz - sounds a very special time!

What a treasure your Grans book is - and memories of her beautiful hands turning those pages of lyrical verse!

Ruth Kelly said…
They've even had a Burns night in Salt Lake City but sadly I've lost touch with those who put it on.
Claire said…
Hey Liz, the ingredients of Haggis alone, I imagine would be a little off putting, so don't blame you for not liking it, hehe........

Love the poem bit of a giggle...

My ma'am said Robbie Burns was related to us by marriage and she was pretty, jolly good at stringing a few words together too.

Claire :}
Deborah said…
Great post, I do love an old book :)

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
Hi Liz, I hope you had a great Burns night. My Dad was very fond of him. What a rascal that Mauchline man was! Love Linda x

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