Square Orange

Occasionally I find myself in an antique shop - don't usually bother because of the extortionate prices.  I don't know about any of you, but I walk round thinking "who would buy that at that price!"  If hubby is with me he has, on occasion, said to me -  "How much did you pay for one like that in the charity shop?"

However I was stopped in my tracks recently when I saw an orange glass vase.  I knew I had one at home - it had been Mum's and it was one of the few things I kept after she died.  After a quick rummage through some boxes - tra la .....

I think what amazed me most was what the antique shop were charging for this!
I suppose the 70s are quite popular now, so bits and pieces like this are sought after.

Its a really heavy piece.  Glad I re-found it - its now out on display!

Love, Liz

I think some charity shops are beginning to think they are antique shops.  I spotted some old books in a local charity shop - just ordinary novels, but they were priced at £5 each!  Even empty picture frames (and there are usually lots of them) are very highly priced - not many bargains these days.  I know its for charity, but when you can buy certain things new for cheaper then I wonder if its worth it! 
I suppose we keep going because of the hope of that bargain!


Hi Liz, it looks a lot like Whitefriars 'drunken bricklayer' pattern. Do you know if your mum bought it new? A lot fakes have been made but the real ones are very sought after!
bellaboo said…
I think that the CS's have cottoned on to the fact that vintage items are very sought after now and it's therefore harder for the likes of us to find a bargain these days. :0)
Scarlet said…
Liz, I absolutely love your vase! I have a very 70s orange and brown theme in my kitchen- based around some 1970s Hornsea pottery items in the Saffron design that I have collected from charity shops. I have seen the same items for much more in antique shops. You are right about charity shops - I have seen coats priced at £50 in some , whereas I paid £7.50 for a mint condition Windsmoor coat in my local charity shop.I have definitely been priced out of charity shops in some areas.
What a great piece, and it makes it more special because it was your Moms.
Hi - thanks for comments. Lakota - yes, Mum did buy it new to fit in with her orange wallpaper and curtains way back in the early 70s!
custardino said…
Oooh! It's a Whitefriars. Or a very, very good copy. Either way, it's lovely.
For some reason your blog never displayed properly on my computer, but I've just had my graphics card tweaked and now it's fine. I'm really looking forward to reading backwards through all your posts.
Unknown said…
That vase is funk-alicious! lol SO much fun to see this stuff.
Vintage Jane said…
Definitely looks like a Whitefriars. The value has fallen a little on these vases but H&A mag recently said to expect a resurgence in the popularity of 70's decor and that prices will rise again so hold on to it for a little while longer! I love it by the way! M x
What an interesting piece...I remember when orange was the hot deoorating color. How nice that your Mother kept it and now you have it!
blackenpot said…
Geofrey Baxter! My heart jumped. I nearly thought that you had got it from a charity shop. Anyway, lucky you!
Take good care of it. I am myself very interested in art glass and old glass.

Enjoy your week.
Rachael said…
I first thought that vase was a pile of jelly - looks so good! Good point about the charity shop pricing too. The ones that use to be near me in East Yorkshire were terribly over priced. Regardless of what it is, they see it might be a little old and whack a hugely over inflated price on the product. One near me use to sell decanters, small ones at that for eight pounds minimum.
Trashsparkle said…
Its gorgeous - and I'm glad you have it from your mum, with memories of her buying it. In orange it reminds me of jelly cubes - another reason to love it!

I saw a programme about an auctioneer who was called in to clear a deceased man's garage - totally stuffed full with Whitefriars glass. x
Jelly Jam said…
Yes, the local chazza blew me away last week when I asked the price of a dolls house. A tatty old Triang type one. One of which I have in my unit at the antique centre for £28. Well they wanted £50 for it!! Good on them if they get it but sad that there aren't any of the ones selling everything for a quid or two left round here.
Diann said…
What a fun vase! I am so glad you found your mum's! I am the same way regarding antique shops. Once in awhile I stop and look around but, generally the prices are so out of my budget range! Have a great day!
Mum said…
My bedroom was papered in orang and purple with orange paintwork!! Your vase would have fit in nicely!
Love from Mum
Used-to-Bees said…
Sometimes the antiques shops just remind us of something that's been put away and help us see it in afresh! You obviously loved the vase to have kept it, so it's nice you have it out again.
Kylie said…
You're right Liz, we're all hoping to stumble across that (usually elusive, these days) bargain...

Hands-down that orange vase is my most favourite treasure you've shared on your blog* I love it.

*of course it comes a close second to that gorgeous kangaroo apron and little reader you sent me!

Anonymous said…
Love the vase, such a cheerful colour. Yes the prices at some charity/thrift shops are ridiculous.
Claire said…
Great vase Liz, I've never seen one like it before......

Some charity shops over here are more like boutiques with their prices and all the stylising that goes on.

I prefer the oppies that have a certain degree of 'higgledy piggledyness' to them.....
There's always the chance that you'll find something wonderful buried under all the tat.

Where theres charity shops theres hope, hehe....

Claire :}
Anne said…
The vase is great! I remember the whitefriars vases from the 70's.I dont think my parents had one though, shame.
I agree about the charity shops too. Some are charging exhorbitant prices and I think certain programmes and celebrities are extolling the virtues of them and they think they can charge relatively large amounts of money because they think charity shop =trendy.

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