Tulips and Plates

It's been a long time since I found any really pretty plates, but this weekend was a lucky one! 

First of all I found these gorgeous Alfred Meakin pretties.  Love the colours and the deco design.

Then I found these - no maker's mark, but pretty just the same.

Great colours in the tulips to brighten up the day.  I have notices that here in Scotland the mornings are getting lighter and I didn't have to put my lights on till after four o'clock yesterday afternoon!   Yeah!!!!!!  Signs of spring :-)

Hope you are having a lovely weekend.

For more lovely treasures come on over to Sophie's Flea Market Finds.

Love, Liz


Paulette said…
Your first photo made me smile because of the beautiful Tulips, and the pretty dish. Outside my window I see nothing but white snow, yuck, so the flowers with their brilliant colors was a welcome site. Love the plates.♥
Anonymous said…
Very pretty plates. I am getting my china fix through you these days.
Lea said…
lovely plates and beautful tulips too.
sky-blu-pink said…
Oh how lovely! I think it's very uplifting to eat cake from such pretty plates!
Anne said…
Love brightly coloured flowers, tulips to me signify that spring is almost here.
The plates are very pretty too.
Riitta Sinikka said…
So beautiful photos! I love! Have a happy day!
ALISON said…
Hi Liz...here in Italy there seems to be brighter days......On a clear day I can see snow covered mountains .....luckily here in Turin it hasn't snowed yet.Love the china....ciao Alison
MomWaldsPlace said…
You did have a good day! The photos with the tulips are very nice.
Great plates, and the colors go so well with your pretty tulips.
Ruth Kelly said…
Dainty flowers - love the first plate. The second one looks familiar - will have to check out the ones that I have from my Grandma C.
Rubye Jack said…
These plates work really well together. I love the tulips.
Mum said…
I like Alfred Meakin crockery - so pretty and they definitely go with the Spring theme.
Love from Mum
Rachael said…
So pretty - especially the tulip one but I'm bias because tulips are one of my favorite flowers.
claire said…
i have plates like those second ones :) Very pretty! I've had to stop buying tea plates as i have so many and it always seems to be tea plates that are in the carity shops, rarley dinner plates! x
Emma Breadstill said…
The plates are very pretty Liz, no wonder you're pleased. Charity shops have lots of hidden treasure, don't they? It's slowly getting lighter in the evenings here as well, can't come soon enough for me xxx
Tina said…
Hi Liz,
Your plates are just gorgeous! So cute and colourful in an elegant way,
Oh, the tulips are amazing too.
Julie S said…
So very pretty, what a lucky find! Thanks for sharing! Cheered me up on the gloomy, dreary, wintery day here in Virginia! Hugs to you.
Hi Liz,
Your plates and tulips are getting me in a SPRING mood! So pretty!!! We just had a snow storm here, so it's nice to see some pretty colors. Hope all is well!
Danielle xo
Claire said…
Liz, Liz, Liz........those plates are gorgeous.
I particularly like the Alfred Meakin plates. Red, blue and yellow are a great colour combo with a vintage feel.

Tulips, love them, certainly would brighten a dull day and make you smile.

Have a great week,

Claire :}
Scarlet said…
Love the Meakin plates - I have a soft spot for all thing Meakin and find them very hard to resist. Those plates look wonderful with the gloriously bright tulips.
Thanks for all your lovely comments. It is amazing how a simple bunch of flowers can just brighten your day!
Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger
*Susycottage* said…
How sweet to see those tulips.
If we are there in Scotland ......
that the spring is coming?
a hug
Susy x
bellaboo said…
Such pretty finds! I LOVE vintage plates. :0)
Scarlett said…
These are all so pretty, i havent seen any decent plates on my travels - must be someone buying them before i get to them! Scarlett x
Used-to-Bees said…
Gorgeous plates and they look so great with the tulips popping up behind!
June said…
Just come across your blog via Jelly Jam's - what lovely finds! Will be looking in again now that I've found you!
Diann said…
Gorgeous plate finds! They are so pretty!
Oops - isn't me Scarlett ... honest!
Kylie said…
My comments must be some where out there in the ether Liz because I can't see any of my recent ones...I hope this one is successful. I am having a bit of trouble commenting and even looking at some blogs at the moment. Bother blogger!
Lovely plate, gorgeous tulips. Glad you're enjoying a bit of sunshine, we have a week of 40+ temps ahead of us here! Horrid! You're hanging out for Spring, I cannot wait till Winter!

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