Not Counting My Chickens!

I'm certainly not counting my chickens - purely because I have quite a lot of them.  I was moaning remarking that I needed somewhere to put them which would show them off properly.  This little chicken house was hubby's solution - he made it from a few bits and pieces of wood.  Isn't it cute?

"The girls" love it! 

Does anyone remember an Australian series from the 80s which I think was called A Country Practice?  It used  to be on in the afternoon.  I remember watching this when I was pregnant with Son#1 and there was a woman on this who called her (real) chickens - "the girls"!

The new chick is settling in well - hope she isn't being led astray by those other two!

Kylie - hope you don't mind your little dish being used in this way, but they love it, and so do I!

Not everyone's happy - even with some lovely clean straw!

Well, at least some of my chickens have a proper place to live now - thanks to hubby!

Love, Liz
I was delighted when BettyJean over at Shabby Tea Party asked if she could feature my tea cosies on her blog.  Why not pop over and pay her a visit.


A country practice was a favourite in most houses in the 80's. My Mum still cries when thinking of the scene when Molly died. Your Hubby did a brilliant job on the "chook house." The girls look great.
Used-to-Bees said…
That's so sweet, and what a thoughtful gift. I love the shocked look on the face of the one on the right hand side of the cage - they really do look like they're having a conversation!
bellaboo said…
I love your little chicken house and your collection too! Clever hubby.
Have a lovely weekend. :0)
Paulette said…
Cute blog, your husband is a very handy man. Your chicken coop looks fantastic. I like the color he painted this piece.♥
Tina said…
That's beautiful! Your chickens are so cute! xx
Rachael said…
Your husband did a great job making the cabinet!
Sylvia said…
Your husband made a great chicken house, Liz !
The chickens are all so cute !
Nice day,
Mum said…
Clever hubby!
Love from Mum
Mimi and Tilly said…
That's gorgeous, I love the straw in there too! Your chickens are gorgeous too. Wishing you a magical 2012. Em xx
Emma Breadstill said…
Hi Liz,
Thank you for your lovely comment over at mine and for following. I love your chicken coop, what a clever hubby you have. And your tea cosies are fabulous.

Lots of love xxx
Jelly Jam said…
What a smart way to display your chickens. V impressed with your hubs carpentry skills!
Anne said…
I used to love country practice too and watched it when I was at home with my sons as babies.
I would love to have a couple of real chickens in my back garden but sadly dont have room.I think they are so cute.I have got a ceramic chicken somewhere, it is probably still in one of the boxes waiting to be unpacked when we moved 2 years ago.X
Betty said…
The girls look so comfy each nested in her own space. Your hubby did a great job making their coop. Love the curvy detailing on the top and the chicken wire on the doors. Warm Hugs,
Pene said…
Oh your hubby is so clever, what a lovely coop for your girls.
Claire said…
How lucky are your chickens having such a wonderful display cabinet to reside in......

Well done to hubby, he's one handy fella...

Nice little collection too Liz,

Claire :}
Good work that husband - it looks great! I could see those selling.
Anonymous said…
Love your chook house. I call my chooks girls.
*Susycottage* said…
Good job, now your
"girls" have a little house
of their own.
a hug
Susy x
Kylie said…
Such a lovely little hen house for your girls Liz!

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