Dresser Dressing

It's amazing what you can find about the house!

My kitchen dresser needed a bit of cheering up after I had taken all the Christmas bits and pieces away.  I missed the cheery reds - so decided to have a look around the house to find some colourful additions.

Compare before - as in blog header - with after. 

Much better, or a bit cluttered?

I love it - enjoy looking at some of my favourite things all in the one place and it really cheers up the kitchen!

Perhaps time for a new blog header?

Love, Liz


I like clutter! The pops of red are fantastic.
bellaboo said…
It's looks lovely!....it was lovely before too,but it's nice to have a change around...and cluttered is good in my book! :0)
Hi Liz, I love the new pop of colour, its homely and cheery. I don't think it is cluttered at all...perfect!
Tina said…
Hi Liz,
It looks wonderful. Love both before and after. :)
Emma Breadstill said…
I love your dresser, it looks very cheerful and the tea cosy is lovely. It's nice to go "shopping" around the house, it doesn't cost anything!

Lots of love xxx
gillyflower said…
I love it! Its not clutter, its cheerful, special things that mean something to you and are a part of your life - spotless houses and clear tops look good but they are so soul less and un-lived in - give me a bit of cosy colourful clutter any day!

Your dresser looks great both before and after!

Gill xx
Anonymous said…
It looks terrific. I like them both but think I prefer the new one, more cheerful. I like the clutter of all your treasures now.
Deborah said…
I just adore your dresser! you can never have too much on here ;) love all your bits and piecs.

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
Vintage Jane said…
I love all the red ... bright and cheerful! M x
PS: we watched 'Call the Midwife' on the i player and loved it. It's a Sunday night date now!
wonderful cabinet. I always love having a spot in the house to change out,
Rachael said…
Its fab, love all the colour!
Unknown said…
Hi Liz, I like it a bit more busy it looks lovely x
Your new dresser is so cheery! Don't you love changing it up? Love the old cards!
Maria Andrade said…
Hi Liz,
Somehow I lost track of you, so I'm very glad for your visit and here I am to admire your vintage treasures.
The dresser is beautiful and I love your tea cozies, perhaps I'll make one myself :)
The white Bristol cups are very pretty and delicate, too.
claire said…
i would give anything for a dresser to fill woth lovely stuff!
Mum said…
Dressers are wonderful things. The more you put on, the better they look. And if all the items are precious to you it's even better. Yours is a wonderful, colourful feast for the eyes.
Love from Mum
PS I feel a 'dresser' post coming on!
Scarlet said…
It looks good both ways , but adding the red does make it more cheery. I love my dresser and keep wanting to add more to it!
blackenpot said…
Nic and colourful, makes you feel happy!

Enjoy your weekend. I'm off to a flea market tomorrow.
sky-blu-pink said…
No such word as clutter - just lovely things!!! Very cheery!
Heidi said…
I think your was a winter look before with the more subtle colors and bits of blue. Now it is red and ready for Valentine's Day. This is what makes dressers fun...playing with the look. That said, I keep my good dishes in mine and never seem to change things anymore. I should do so one day.

Hugs from Holland ~
I love your dresser it is so cheerful, must make you smile everytime you walk past it, love the blighty heart picture and that tea cosy too cute
Betty said…
Love all the red, it really does cheer things up! Warm Hugs,
The Green Lady said…
I love all your treasures. Lovely colours. x
Heloise said…
Cluttered ? never ever it looks like home very nice!!

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