New Pictures

I needed two new pictures to brighten up a plain wall, so I decided to have a look around to see what I could use.

This is what I ended up with.

I took two old wooden frames, sanded them then painted them white.  Then I cut two pieces of thick card the exact size of the backing.

I covered these with cheery, flowery paper napkins from Tesco - and just taped them to the card.

Then I went through my stash of pictures and cards ... yes, I know, most people have fabric stashes - mine is pictures and bits and pieces cut out of magazines, newspapers etc!  Anyway I found these two lovely little postcards of old advertisements which I taped onto the napkin backing.

Polished and inserted the glass.  And there we have it ... two new (cheap) pictures!

Love, Liz

In the past I've used giftwrap or old sheet music as background and then glued pretty pictures and lace onto it.  You can use anything really.  Would be great to go with a theme in a child's room - pirates or princesses - I've seen lovely giftwrap on these themes!


Paulette said…
Clever idea that produced two very charming pictures for your home. What room will you use these pictures to decorate in?
Anonymous said…
Love the pictures.
Unknown said…
Ah! Neat, simple idea. I always struggle with the details in a know, the completion. These are a neat little idea for just that. Thanks!
Used-to-Bees said…
Lovely! Sometimes just changing little things about the house is as good as a big re-decorate! And good to re-use what you already have.
Tina said…
So pretty!! I need to make some new pictures for the sitting room too. But in a thrifty way like you. :)
Vintage Jane said…
They are lovely - just like some very expensive one I saw in Laura Ashley. Yours are nicer though!! M x
Rachael said…
LOVE this idea, i've been thinking about doing something similar but with old maps!
Sarah said…
Great job! They look lovely and cheery.x
claire said…
what a lovely idea! love the background print!
Jelly Jam said…
They look great!
haizi daizi said…
What a super idea with very effective results ~ thank you for sharing.
Jem said…
These napkins are so fantastic aren't they!? I keep picking them up each time I pass a Tesco (not many round here).

The pictures you've used look gorgeous finished off and white frames are the loveliest :-)

Jem xXx
Kylie said…
So easy and so pretty Liz.
Gorgeous, and I love the whitefrairs vase in the last post what a great find!
those turned out great. Just love the background.
Ava said…
Brilliant Liz, this gives me a million ideas. I love the flowery napkins you used... so cheery xx
Riitta Sinikka said…
Hi! You have many nice things here! Now I follow this lovely blog.

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