Red Tins

As you can see from my blog header, my kitchen dresser has predominately blue and white items on it.  After having some lovely red Christmasy things on it for the last few weeks - it looked really bare when I took them away.  So, I decided to have a look around my cupboards to see if I had any red bits and pieces I could add to it to cheer it up a bit.  I found these -

I think that both of these tins were issued in the 80s.  One is from 1985.

I actually used both of these to keep my Oxo cubes in at one time or another.  Glad I kept them.

Love the little fellow on this one - look at his wee red sandals!

Very clever cube design on this one.

Now off to scour my cupboards to see what other red goodies I can find!

Love, Liz

A big welcome to all my new followers -
hope you'll come by and comment often.


Madison said…
Oh I love a good tin. I've got the little red one with the strong man. Or should I say my hubs had it to keep some old coins in. But I have it now. ;0)

Madison xxx
Kylie said…
I've got that red Oxo tin Liz, but it's an old original one. Lucky find at an op-shop.
I hope my pressies arrive soon...can't remember if there's any red in there though x
Used-to-Bees said…
We too have the Jubilee one with the little strong boy - makes my neck hurt looking at him though! - and keep our Oxo cubes in it. I once read that a touch of red or black lifts any decor scheme, so these additions prove it perhaps?
bellaboo said…
Red and blue look so good together.I'm going to look out for those tins....lovely! :0)
Jelly Jam said…
I love old tins but my collection all have a bluey green theme!
Enjoying your blog.
Great graphics on the tins.
Deborah said…
I love old tins :) your collection is great, hope you find some more red in your cupboards ;)

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
Paulette said…
I have never seen bouillon cubes come in anything but small glass jars. Very cute graphics on the tins.♥
Rachael said…
I've seen so many tin boxes in the antique stores and I always get tempted yet put them back. Maybe i'll get some next time seeing we're a little short on decoration in the apartment.
Sylvia said…
I love old tins and these are beautiful, Liz !
The one with the little boy is so cute !
Have a nice evening,
LissyLou said…
I love the name of your blog. Just found it x
Max said…
I love those original oxo tins. So homely. I have a little silver oxo matchbox, from the restaurant in the oxo building in London I think that I keep my pins in, but I have yet to find an affordable vintage red oxo tin day!
They look great together, there's definitely something very appealing about old tins, even the 80s ones will get harder and harder to find so it's good you hung onto them.

Happy New year!

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