Everybody's Doing It!

Along with lots of other bloggers, one of my new year resolutions was to learn to crochet.  Everyone seems to be doing it at the moment!

Yesterday was the day!  After watching a few tutorials on the internet, a few false starts and lots of unravelling, I finally finished a square - and then another.

My Granny taught me to crochet when I was about nine and I crocheted a huge multi-coloured blanket.  There was even a phase in my primary school when all the girls brought their crochet to school and we would sit in the playground and crochet during playtime!

This time I used a large hook, just to help me get the hang of it (no, nothing to do with ancient eyesight).  This means that there are large gaps in between wool, but I'm so pleased that I don't mind.

I found a small cushion pad (9" square) and sewed up the squares.  I now have a wee cushion.  I really want to crochet some smaller squares now that I've got the hang of it.  It's a bit addictive, don't you agree?

Love, Liz

Like lots of others, I'm having trouble commenting on some blogs at the moment - I haven't been neglecting you, honest.  Hope it gets sorted soon.


Tina said…
Hi Liz,
Crochet is very addictive. I love it so much. Your square little cushion looks lovely! :)
Scarlet said…
That's lovely , and well done you for picking it up again so quickly. I've never crocheted before , but am determined to learn this year- especially now that I've sorted out my wool stash!
Pene said…
It might be addictive but I'm still struggling!!
Paulette said…
I was taught as a youngster how to knit but not crochet, I would love to give it a try. YouTube here I come....
jill said…
My Grandma tried to show me how to crochet many times and I could not get the hang of it,may have to have another go.Your squares are lovely.Love Jill xx
Rachael said…
Yey welcome to the crochet club, it is sooo addictive, I start one project and then start eying up ideas for the next four afterwards!
VintageVicki said…
Its highly addictive and it means lots of yarn shopping :)

Your squares look lovely - here's to many, many more :)
dutch sisters said…
Your wee granny square pillow looks gorgeous! I love to crochet grannies, they are so adictive indeed!
Ruth Kelly said…
I learned to knit and crochet as a youngster but I always enjoyed knitting more - it was always more relaxing.
Emma Breadstill said…
Hi Liz, your little cushion is so cute, I love to crochet and you're right, it's very addictive. I love your little story of all sitting in the playground crocheting, that's so cute. I've tried to get my daughters interested but to no avail. Looks like I'm on my own, good job I've got all my bloggy friends xxx
Used-to-Bees said…
Oh well done you! I'm another who wants to learn, but I can't imagine that I'd make as much progress as you straight off. Enjoy your next project!
June said…
Hi there! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! I would love to learn to crochet - all attempts by various family members when I was young failed! I used to knit though and I remember in the 70's taking a ball of wool to school and we girls would knit a square which was made into a blanket and I think auctioned for charity!
I may go and buy a hook and see if you can treat an old dog new tricks!
bellaboo said…
It's VERY addictive...they'll be no stopping you now!
Love your baby cushion.Now you have to make the 'daddy'! :0)
Mum said…
Yep, it is addictive. I think it's taken over my blog at the moment. Your cushion looks gorgeous. What about another blanket now!
Love from Mum
Jelly Jam said…
Your granny cushion's great. Wish I could do it. I tried in the summer but just got so cross with myself! Perhaps I'll try one of the blog tutorials that are going around at the moment.
Max said…
That looks gorgeous, and professional. I am contemplating crochet too so do share your tips x
Anne said…
Well done Liz! The colours are beautiful X
They are gorgeous Liz. That is the one thing I regret not learning form my Gran.
The Green Lady said…
Lovely work Liz. There are many neglected children and husbands in my town due to the mother's shameful crochet addiction. I wonder what is going on with the commenting problems?!?
Unknown said…
Well done, you have now inspired me to get awriggle on!! crochet hooks at the ready! xx
How beautiful! You should be very pleased.
You are doing great! Love the colors in this. I've tried crocheting a few times in the past. I liked it but always got stuck on the corners. Glad you are catching on fast. Beautiful work! : )

haizi daizi said…
It's good to see that you have got going on your crochet ~ I love your little cushion, lovely colours and it's sooooo cute! You have to be careful now, because you will find it hard to stop. Wait till you get onto the little flowers and hearts, I've got piles of them that I sit and lovingly stroke, instead of doing something with them, enjoy ........! Haizi x
Claire said…
Well done Liz, on getting back into crochet again.

Yes, it certainly is addictive, but it's such a portable craft as well and you can hook up a storm whilst waiting for appointments, the bus, etc. etc. That is if you don't mind crocheting in public, hehe.....

Love the colours you've used too....

Claire :}

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