This and That

Watched the new BBC series last night - "Call the Midwife" and really enjoyed it.  Set among the poverty of London's east end in the 1950s its full of gritty drama and vintagy details.  The series is based on the books by Jennifer Worth (biography) which I'm immediately putting on my "to read" list!

I've been making a larger picture to go with the little ones I made last week. This time I'm doing it in a collage style, using lots of scraps, photographs, old adverts and other bits and pieces.  I began by completely covering a large piece of cardboard with the same napkins as I used earlier.

The good thing is that I can change it when I want, because it is going to be in a frame and that should clamp it together.

And another thing (well, two things, actually)! ...........................

1.         Wouldn't it be great if someone invented a device which meant that we could make cakestands from our vintage plates without having to drill holes in them?  Perhaps it could be held together by suction ... or something!

2.         Wouldn't it be great if someone came up with a magazine which was a cross between "Homes and Antiques" and "Molly Makes" - which was full of gorgeous vintage fashion, china, linen, home decor, books, crafts etc, etc, etc!

Oh well, just some Monday thoughts!

Love, Liz


Godammit. Everyone's posting about that programme. I really meant to watch it as well. I was too busy watching a very terrible "Bruno" (you know the Sacha Baren Cohen thing).

Adore the picture you've been working on.

I agree with you on the cake stand issue. Magnets or some such thing. xx
Vintage Jane said…
Oh, I missed it too. Hoping to catch up with it tonight on the I Player.
Love your picture. Totally agree with the magazine thing ... but I guess by not producing the perfect one that encompasses all our loves they make us buy more mags, each with some of the things that we enjoy! M x
blackenpot said…
Hope that series comes to Norway, I can still remember the midwife coming to our house in th 50's.

You have done a good job with the picture, nice to have a change now and again. Sa for the cake stand, I'm certainly sure it would be ok to ues som strong glue.

Thank you for sharing.
claire said…
we went out for dinner at a frinds house last night and i was GUTTED i missed this! ha! I'm going to watch it on iplayer as soon as i finish blogging for the afternoon...
The cake stand thing i agree, but i'm sure ive seen them glued on but i cant think how you would do it without getting the glue every where. And yes that magazine i would definately subscribe too, how hard can it be....i think we should do it!!
Rachael said…
Too true about your comment regarding the vintage plates and cake stands. I'd probably drill to hard and break them!
Deborah said…
Wow, that would be a great magazine! :)

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
bellaboo said…
Going to catch up with the 'Midwives' tonight.Love those sort of dramas.
I suppose china glue might work for the vintage cake stands.
If you do find that mag..let me know! :0)
Jelly Jam said…
ooh thanks for the tip on the programme. I never watch telly so never find out whats on - viscious circle really! One question though, is it watchable for the very squeamish? The kind of person that has to get permission to have a c-section before contemplating a second jammer!
sara said…
Blast, I meant to watch that too, is this the programme with Miranda Hart in............I'll have to watch it on the computer later.

Gorgeous and oh so beautiful vintage collage. x
Shane Pollard said…
Hi Liz

We haven't had that series yet, looks like a good one.
We've had two series of Downton Abbey - waiting for the third!!!!

I've just become your newest follower #150!! Love your blog - it's nice to chat with you in Scotland - the fun of blogging!

Love the pretty vintage images for your collage to go with the other two!
and Oh yes I agree with your 2 ideas!!

Do pop in and see me sometime and I'll get out my prettiest teacups and make you very welcome. Mmm let's see, shall I make lavender shortbread or Anzac biscuits - which would you prefer??!!

Blessings in 2012
Scarlet said…
My Mum read the book a while ago - she says it is very good. I saw it on sale in S'bury's today - the cover now has a photograph of the people who are appearing in the tv series.
Thanks for the recommendation, the program sounds really interesting.

The collage is looking gorgeous, great idea to frame it and change when it suits without damaging the pieces.

I would a mag like that too! Enjoy your week, Tam x
Jelly Jam - sorry - you may occasionally have to look away! Some earplugs might be an advantage too for all the, er ... sounds of ladies suffering a wee bit of discomfort!
Jelly Jam said…
Thanks Liz! Think I'll give it a watch with a cushion at the ready. Discomfort... come on!

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