Charity Cards

It was a dismal day for charity shopping today - £40 tea sets and £6 for a sugar bowl and milk jug!  Who are they kiddin'!
BUT - I did get some lovely cards.

Barnardos had a brilliant variety of vintage blank cards for only 69p.  You can check out some of their other designs at the Barnardos website.

Jolly girls and boys!

Love this one!

I was looking for a card for younger son's birthday - 23 today!  He'll be mad that I mentioned it!  But hey ho!  How time flies!

First shoes to working shoes!  Yes dear reader, I kept the baby shoes (amongst other things) - sad or what!

To all you lovely ladies with  kids at home - cherish every moment!  Because when they leave home the house will seem so empty!  I even miss the squabbling!  

Never mind, more time for other things!

Have a great weekend.

Love, Liz


VintageVicki said…
Definately not sad to keep baby shoes - I've both boys first proper pairs - so tiny now compared to the huge trainers that litter the hall way.

Happy birthday to your young man :)

Fab cards too.
I'm a saddo too, Liz. I've not only kept my daughter's first shoes but I've framed them as well!!

Those cards are an excellent bargain. Have a great weekend. xx
Used-to-Bees said…
I have my daughter's first shoes too - I'm sure lots of people (should I say Mums?) can't bear to part with them! I love those cards - and what a good price, for a good cause. Beats paying £2 or more to line the pockets of Mr Hallmark..
Mum said…
Love from Mum
Glad I'm not alone! They are so cute, though, aren't they! (The shoes and the kids!)
Oh there's nothing wrong with keeping first shoes, I know someone who keeps the first of everything her son has - now that's hoarding. First thermal underwear anyone?

Happy birthday to your boy - and I love the cards, I'm going to look out for some. x
lucy joy said…
Yep - another one here with 3 pairs of dainty shoes I cannot bear to part with. Lovely idea to line the pairs up like that, seems crazy that feet grow so much.
£40 tea set - really?
Nelly said…
Baby shoes here too even my own.
Kylie said…
oh the little shoes Liz...too sweet, and next to those grown-up big shoes even sweeter...I'm feeling guilty because I haven't kept my daughters first shoes...just remembered I have kept their first ballet pumps though, so that's something.
Isn't it amazing how much they grow up? I have baby shoes and clothes in my attic. Youngest is now 20. Some of their little clothes were just too sweet to give away.

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