I'm Back!

I'm back!  Had a little blog break while family were here - it was lovely to have them visit. 

But now its back to reality and the usual routine of everyday life.

So, instead of this -

Its back to this -

And a lot of this (ha ha - I wish) -

Welcome to all my new followers - hope you enjoy your visits to my blog.  I'll be catching up on all your blogs soon.

Favourite song right now -

Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri - its brilliant - have a listen!

Love, Liz


Hi Liz! Glad you're back. Hope you are having a nice summer :)

PS love the graphics in this post. So cute!
Used-to-Bees said…
I love that song too!
claire said…
welcome back :) love those pictures!
Scarlett said…
Hi liz, loved the pics in this post, they did make me smile - welcome back :o) Scarlett x
HI Liz

did i ever tell you how darn cute your little picture is? i guess that's you as a little girl?

glad you had a good break with family

thanks so much for coming over to my blog

I need to get a stero so I can listen to music again I just have it on my cable tv

lorndoone said…
I love your site, can't wait for more!
Little Nell said…
Back to reality then?

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