Wax Flower Plant

I've had this houseplant for a few years now.  It sits on top of my dresser and each year produces the most beautiful flowers.

I know it as a "wax flower plant", but its real name is hoya.

Its flowers are amazingly like wax flowers - I wish you could see them close up and notice their texture.  Even the little pink bits in the middle (can you tell I know a lot about plants?) have a sheen to them that makes them look and feel like beads!

Love, Liz


Used-to-Bees said…
That took me back! My Mum had a wax flower plant when I was small and I was fascinated by it. They are almost surreal, those flowers (and you've captured their beauty so well!)
Wow! That Hoya is so amazing! I have never seen one like that before. Pam x
Kylie said…
My Nan had a Hoya growing on a trellis outside her loo door (an old fashioned out-house) when I was little I used to leave the loo door open so I could look at it. I have always loved them Liz, although I have never tried to grow one myself. Must rectify this. Thanks for reminding me...
So pretty! I want one!!
Unknown said…
Wow ! Pretty !
Little Nell said…
I’ve never seen one before, but isn’t it lovely?
Mum said…
I'd never heard of this plant before. It looks very pretty and almost artificial - I can just imagine these flowers as tiny sweets. Mind you they look too good to eat.
Love from Mum
Rachael said…
wow i've never seen a flower like that before - it's really pretty x
lucy joy said…
They look like sugarcraft, or quite other-worldly. These photographs would look lovely on my wall!
Lucewoman - you are right - they do look like sugarcraft!
They seem to thrive on neglect - so they are easy to keep.
Would imagine they are available at garden centres.
Karen S Booth said…
AMAZING! It doesn't look real! I was convinced it was a wax plant as in WAX!
Tina said…
OH MY GOD!! They look absolutely amazing! Absolutely stunning. :)
*Susycottage* said…
Never seen anything like it here in Italy!
It seems almost magical, how wonderful!
Wonderful Compliments
a hug
Suzy x

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