
Many Scottish children went back to school today - end of the summer holidays!
So I thought I'd do a school related post.

First of all - this is my school report card from the 1960s - its funny to see Mum and Dad's signatures in it - brought a wee lump to my throat!

I seem to have been a reasonably consistent pupil!  Such early promise - pity it didn't last!

Not as politically correct as today!

These illustrations come from a school reading book from Australia - "Seaside Story" issued by the Department of Education of New South Wales.  You may remember another one of these books from this post.

Sweet illustrations.

I always feel that once the schools go back, then summer is over and today's weather is confirming that!  There is definitely a bit of a chill in the air.  I hope we have a few more sunny days to come though!

Love Liz


Little Nell said…
Still have my reports too Liz, but no mention of retardation in them (1960s). Those little bunnies had been up to something...I wonder what. It seems strange to think of children going back to school in mid-August. Here in Lanzarote the children are off for weeks and weeks. The school day is a bit shorter too.
Mum said…
'Very good' post and what a coincidence - I've just posted about the seaside today!
Love from Mum
bellaboo said…
I used to dread going back to school after the Summer class..and teacher.. to get used to,and a looooong time until Xmas! :0)
still as hot as Hades in Toronto, nights are getting a bit shorter though. Our kids do not go back to school till after Labour Day (first Mon in September)
Lovely memories from the past! My kids return to school the day after Labor Day. We are busy buying new shoes and school supplies.....
Pomona said…
Your summer finishes so early! My daughter does not go back for 3 weeks, and the boys at university get until the beginning of October - so no peace and quiet for quite some time!

Pomona x
Vintage Jane said…
My school reports always said I talked too much and "could try harder"! Summer definitely feels like it's over here in Somerset. Cold, wet and grey today. I had my heater on at work yesterday! M x
VintageVicki said…
You are brave - there's no way my reports will appear on here. Like VintageJane they mention 'too much talking'. In fact the phrase 'I talk too much, too long and too often' was one I wrote 100's of times during my school years!!

If back to school means end of summer - then thank goodness the boys have another couple of weeks hols left!
Kylie said…
Oh dear "observations on retardation", that's not very nice...they'd never get away with that these days...
my primary reports say lots of unflattering things about me like chatter-box, class clown, messy, unorganised, daydreamer etc. etc.
I am left handed and when I was little those wicked old Nun's used to hit me accross the knuckles because my hand writing was so bad.

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