Silly Knits!

Got this strange knitting pattern leaflet in the charity shop.  I say strange, because  ... well, you'll see why!  It contains patterns "inspired" by different countries. 

Ireland ... of course!
Some are a bit obscure ...

Well, apart from the hat ...
Some are a bit strange!  Loving his big ... cheese!

Some are weird ...

Koala makes it Australian - right?
Eh? What ... no cowboys?!
And as for this guy ...

Looks totally p....d off!

Made me chuckle anyway!

Looking forward to seeing what you have discovered this week over at Flea Market Finds!

Love, Liz


lucy joy said…
I've been collecting knitting patterns to make greetings cards with. Very jealous of your find, I can just imagine the photographer's assistant rushing around frantically trying to find a tenuous Australian link. "This koala will have to do".
Jem said…
These are priceless, Liz! The chap in the Canadian inspired sweater looks as though someone just ran into his bumper!

Jem xXx
Used-to-Bees said…
Very strange! (And what's stranger still is that Blogger is letting me comment on your blog again - it still often won't let me!) As for the guy in the moose cardi, he really does look like he's gritting his teeth - 'I thought I'd seen the last of the novelty knits when I was ten!'
Kylie said…
Didn't you know we ALL wear jumpers like that in Australia Liz?

They are funny! I love how they just added props to make them seem as if they were from that country!

E :)
Lea said…
gave me a chuckle too. thanks for sharing.
Unknown said…
At first I thought 'that is the biggest apple I've ever seen!!!!!' then i realised.......Grumpy man looks slightly psychotic!! I think he might of escaped for the day.......
Sophie xx
Little Nell said…
Well there’s a bit of a poncho look to the first one and the Ozzie one does have (kangaroo) pockets! Tenuous to say the least.
keshling said…
I really like the look of that book Liz. Did they have a balaclava and mittens for the UK?

K xx
Rachael said…
the expression on that last guy's face is priceless! I bet his wife put him up to it! hehehe
Glad you all liked this as much as I did!
BeckyKay said…
LOL!! Yes, some of those are stretching it a bit!
Scarlett said…
hehe i love old knitting books! Now stike a pose! ;o)Scarlett x

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