Downton Abbey

How great is Downton Abbey?!

I know, I'm a bit slow, a bit behind the times!  I didn't see it when it was on last year because STV didn't show it and I forgot to watch the first episode on catch up, so decided to wait until it came out on DVD.  I'm so glad I did!

I was hooked from the first opening credits - all those servants running about!  I watched the first DVD at one sitting last night- not sure how many episodes that was, three I think.  Going to watch second DVD tonight with a glass or two of Merlot - heaven!!

We discovered an old servants' bell in our house when we moved in!  I wrote a post about it - check it out!  Not quite as large as the one at Downton, but still a reminder of past times.  Glad it doesn't work!

Love, Liz


Little Nell said…
Those old houses! My in-laws house in Lancaster had an attic bedroom that feel sure would have been the maid’s at the turn of the twentieth century.
Jem said…
Downton Abbey was just so utterly fantastic! I rewatched it recently on DVD and I must say I can't wait to see the second series this Autumn - I'm almost envious you're watching them for the first time. Isn't the cast incredible?! I can't decide who I like more as they're all so brilliant in their portrayals.

I remember your post on the servant's bell and thinking how fascinating it was to have something so authentic in your own home :-)

Jem xXx
What a neat servants' bell! I've never seen one before.

I enjoyed Downton Abbey, too.
I agree, it is brilliant! I too only watched it recently. I watched the last episode from that series about a month ago. I can't wait for the next series. It is very well cast.
I like the servant's bell that you have.
Isabelle x
sara said…
I missed watching Downtown Abbey last year too, everyone's been saying how fantastic it was so I think I'd better hunt out the dvd and enjoy a few nights on the sofa with my sock knitting.

lily x
VintageVicki said…
Really looking forward to Series 2 - was one of the best things on tv last winter.

What a fab bell - I'd love something like that so I could summon my menfolk to meals!
Hi Liz, I do love a period drama! I didn't get to see much of Downton Abbey though, will have to get the dvd! Many thanks for your visit, so glad you got a laugh! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, love Linda x
Hi Liz,

I've heard alot about Downtown Abbey, but haven't seen it yet. I think it's time to rent it : )

PS love the servants bell. I've never seen one before.
Nelly said…
Loved the show we are waiting for season 2 I hate the wait.
An absolute favourite with me too, Downtown Abbey was just a marvel. Can't wait to see series 2. My Aunt and Uncle had a servants bell in their house. My Aunt used to tell me she remembered it being used. Lesley x
Really looking forward to second series. Amazing how quickly I either loved or detested certain characters. Costumes absolutely fantastic!

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