Look Up!

While I was in Glasgow on Friday I went to the Buchanan Galleries - a brilliant shopping mall at the top of Buchanan Street.  They are doing a bit of demolition across from the Galleries and a little spot of colour grabbed my attention!

Amongst all the destruction and rubble was this little spot of red and white - using the camera zoom I could see that it had once been a tiled wall (possibly a toilet).  Really stood out among the ruins.

Because they were demolishing these buildings, it meant that there was a better view of what was behind them (don't worry, as far as I know, they are not being destroyed).  I thought these were lovely - don't know anything about them.

Also saw this lovely turreted window - very unusual!

Someone once told me that when you are in Glasgow you should always look up - the architecture is amazing!  Its true - I was so glad I had my camera with me to catch these shots.

Love, Liz


Used-to-Bees said…
I spotted something different - the Charles Rennie Mackintosh style 'Buchanan's Tea Room' sign...Glasgow looks amazingly interesting (my sister loves it, but I've never been). My current home town is the same - you should look up, to see the Victorian architecture above all the modern, ruinous facades.
Catherine said…
Hello Liz,
Thank you for your visit; I also like these architecture, hope they are not going to demolish all these beauties!
Unknown said…
I love your photo's, there is something fascinating, about buildings being demolished, a little bit sad though xx
That's good advice for a lot of towns I think, worth remembering. There's always something so sad about buildings torn apart like that - like something private exposed to the world.
Kylie said…
That tower definetely has a touch of Rapunzel about it Liz...I love that green apple colour you can also see among the "ruins" x
Rachel said…
The turreted window has a real fairytale castle feel about it. These photos are lovely, Glasgow looks like an interesting place!x
Karen S Booth said…
I have always loved Glasgow and my favourite place was the Willow Tea Rooms, I used to live in a flat in Bath street many years ago.....great post!
claire said…
awww i hate it when they demolish buildings around here, all that history...gtone :(
Madison said…
Oh a blog from my home town! I love it. I will be reading your past posts. Be warned you'll be getting some random comments. I'm your newest follower and my first port of call will be the Glasgow posts. See you there.

Madison xxx
Hi Madison - welcome aboard!
Karen - glad I've brought back a few memories. Haven't been to the tea rooms for ages - got a bit pricy!
For those of you who have never been - a visit to Glasgow is well worth it! There is so much to see and the city has a real buzz about it!
Ormolulu said…
LOVE old buildings--great post! Thanks for dropping by Ormolulu too!!!

Debi in Bellingham, WA - USA
Nick said…
Oh poor ole building. Here in Australia it would be heritage listed and either its facade retained or the whole thing. (even fibro shacks are heritage listed here!) I would love to journey to Scotland and get in touch with my Scottish heritage. I get a hankering every time I see your pics.

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