Sailing to Dunoon

Every now and again I like to take a wee trip across the Clyde from Gourock to Dunoon.  My favourite part of the outing was always the sail across.  This is a picture of the CalMac ferry "Saturn" which used to make the 20 minute crossing.

I loved boarding the ferry, I suppose it reminded me of trips I used to take with my parents and grandparents when I was young - a real treat in those days. 

The ferry always felt solid and even in quite rough seas, I always felt quite safe.

At the end of June, just a few weeks ago, the service changed - and now this is the vessel which makes the crossing.

Not quite the same, is it?  Didn't feel special, or in any way the start of a day out!
The gangway to get on board was narrow and difficult for those with buggies and/or luggage, although the staff were very helpful.  The crossing was not very smooth and it wasn't even a particularly bad day!  Don't think I'll be returning to Dunoon any time soon!

Progress - don't you just love it?!?!

Love, Liz


Jem said…
Crikey Liz - I certainly wouldn't fancy crossing in that on a choppy day. I don't tend to get seasick but I'm sure that would make me a touch queasy!

Love the look of the initial ferry though - that really must have felt special :-)

Jem xXx
Little Nell said…
Well that’s Dunoon crossed off my list too!
Anonymous said…
Been on that one too, very disappointing,prefared the bigger ferries.
21 Wits said…
Also another piece of progress is how everything has a web address these days...but really seeing a www. address in huge letters across a ship...crazy! Nice post!
Betty said…
Oh, that's so sad. The larger ferry would certainly lend to the atmosphere of an exciting adventure, are they retiring it due to age, fuel costs or fewer travelers?
The service went out to tender and they were the preferred bidder. Promised better service etc ... remains to be seen!
lucy joy said…
The journey is usually my favourite part of a trip, whatever form of transport. I'd have been bitterly disappointed.
On a separate note, is the dresser in your header yours? It's beautifully stocked, just what I want one day...
Hi, yes the dresser is in my kitchen. I wrote a post about it a while ago - check it out.

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