Birds and Flowers

Sometimes you just get lucky!  This cheeky chap let me get closer and closer when I was taking some photographs.  I was amazed that he didn't fly off as soon as he heard me, he even turned so that I could get a profile shot!

Went down to the local garden centre yesterday - some of the flowers are just beautiful!  This one looked and felt like black velvet, don't know what it is - forgot to look at the label!

Love the bright colours too.  Remember to click on the photos to see more detail.

Hydrangeas are my favourites - so pretty and delicate.

Loved watching the bees enjoy the lavender.

There had been a short shower of rain, and it looked like diamonds on the leaves!

Hope you enjoyed the photos.

Love Liz


Mum said…
I did, too.
Love from Mum
Tina said…
Love;y photos!! I loved that black flower. So unusual. :)
lucy joy said…
Simply gorgeous. The best things in life are free.
bellaboo said…
Yes! Lovely photos.We had a load of sparrows in the garden picking up the seeds this morning and they weren't bothered by us,or Bella,sitting nearby.
Little Nell said…
Gorgeous flower shots, especially the black velvet one. Lucky to get the jackdaw so close as well.
Rachel said…
These are wonderful! And bless Mr Bird for letting you capture him, such a sweet photo :) x
Jem said…
Hydrangeas are some of my favourites too! These are lovely shots - especially of the friendly Jackdaw!

Jem xXx
21 Wits said…
Of course Mr. Bird is very delightful! Beautiful flowers, and I just learned that our Hollyhock flowers over here have a velvet black shade as well...all your flowers are stunning especially capturing their friend Mr. Bumble Bee!
claire said…
lovely pictures!:)
I can't believe that black flower! I grew one hollyhock once (from about twenty seedlings)Spring is coming early here and I am hankering to get to the garden. I would love an English garden! I try, but the heat usually gets to all of them.

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