Beautiful Amaryllis

I was given an amaryllis bulb in a pot by a lovely friend just before Christmas.

All I had to do was water it occasionally.  Look at the result!  

There are four beautiful large flowers and some more to come.  It is the most gorgeous shade of salmon pink.

Can anyone tell me what to do when it has finished flowering?  Will it flower again next year - should I keep the bulb?

Love, Liz


It's lovely, I'm pretty sure when it starts to shrivel you cut the flower stalk off & leave the bulb in its pot & out it somewhere dry. I think I shall treat my self to some later on this year.
Robyn of Oz said…
Ha! Just had to water it! I have black thumbs. The number of things I have murdered over the years is frightening. I'm trying to grow veg from seed at the moment. So far, after a fortnight, I've only got a couple of little sprouts coming up. But I'm ever hopeful.
Jo said…
It looks gorgeous! I always think they look very dramatic and elegant. Yes they will flower again. I think they just need to be put away in the dark once they've finished wilting, similar to a hyacinth.
Curtise said…
So beautiful. Have never had one myself, but I thought you could reuse the bulb is you keep it somewhere dry and dark. xxx
sky-blu-pink said…
My Auntie gave me one for Christmas last year, and after it flowered i forgot all about it and it sprouted again this year without me doing anything to it!
Mum said…
This article goes into detail for you.

Love from Mum
It is a beautiful colour. I don't know the ins and outs, although I am sure that you can do a search and find out, but you can definitely grow this again next year! Good luck. xx
Used-to-Bees said…
I'm glad other people know what to do, as I was just going to have to say, 'No idea, but hope you can save it for a repeat performance as it's gorgeous!'
Meggie said…
They are so easy to grow and give back so much. Mine stay in the ground and produce every year without any special needs. They also multiply and can be separated in a couple of years. Of course, I am talking about Texas.
I love amarylisses! Yours have such a soft pastel colour.
Manuela Governo said…

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