Beatles Quiz Book

I was showing my Beatles Quiz Book to a friend recently and we were trying to answer some of the questions ... we didn't do very well I have to admit!  I'm not even sure we even knew this trivia at the time (well, I was just a baby, ahem)!

The book was published by William Collins Sons & Company Ltd in 1964.

The drawings are great.

I've photographed a page of questions and answers, so if you were a Beatles fan you can give it a go (click on pic to see it more easily)!  Good luck!

You can see some more pictures from the book in a previous blog post here.

Love, Liz


gillyflower said…
Like you I was just a little girl when this was published so I wouldnt have a clue!
I guess as the Beatles were still fairly new on the scene the questions could be quite specific as they didn't yet have too much history behind them!
Gill xx
They were so darn cute! George was my crush! They really had a timeless style, too. Love the illustrations - so simple, yet so sophisticated. xo Karen
Curtise said…
1964 was the year I was born! Nope, can't answer the questions (surely only the most stalkerish of fans would be able to?) but I do love the photos and illustrations! xxx

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