Brides - 1970s Style

Looking through my wedding album recently (giving the kids a laugh), I came across some wedding cards I had been sent at the time.  I just love these illustrations - so very late 70s!

I especially like these by Sarah Kay - aren't they sweet?! 

I love this one too - something very serene about this picture.  I think it is by A Barton, although it is a bit difficult to make out the name on the back of the card.  I would have loved to look like this on my wedding day!

Sadly, I can't even remember who some of these are from one from "John & Mary" - could be anyone!

Another trip down memory lane ... and no, I'm not showing you a photo of me as a bride!!!!!!  Lets just say perm and big glasses - you get the picture?!!!!

Love, Liz


Aahh the days of perms, I remember them well, the kids laugh at Mikes old photographs more than mine, sporting a very Kevin Keegan look way back then.
Used-to-Bees said…
Ahh! You spoil sport! But you have made up for it by posting these sweet pictures. The Sarah Kay one makes me think of Betsy Clark and Hollie Hobby which were also all the rage at that time. And Snoopy of course!
Oh go ahead and show us your wedding picture, we all have so improved our looks over the years.
I am amazed how some people get better looking with age
I just love seeing wedding pictures
Anne said…
I remember those designs well! My 21st birthday cards have similar designs and I vaguely remember my first wedding in 1979 we received cards like that too!
Connie said…
Perms and big glasses. That really says 70's doesn't it? I often joke that it's a good thing that tattoos weren't mainstream when I was young because I would have probably gotten a Hollie Hobbie tattoo. Cringe.
I'm sure your wedding photo is beautiful! We would love to see it!!
Vix said…
I'm not into weddings at all but that illustration with the be-hatted lady is gorgeous! x
gillyflower said…
Lovely cards Liz, very sweet and very 70s!
Perms and big glasses, hhmmm that sounds familiar - me too!Had just left school and started work. By the time I got married it was the age of the huge meringue dresses!
As you say, it gives the kids a laugh!
Gill xx
Mum said…
Now there's an idea for a post.
My bridesmaid had a wide brimmed hat like the one in your picture.
Love from Mum
I have some cards from that era tucked away in a scrapbook somewhere, and these cards remind me of the sort of images on the cards that I have. It is so funny how our design tastes have changed isn't it. I think that it is lovely that you still have these cards though and that you can share them with your children. xx
Curtise said…
I well remember greetings cards with similar lovely illustrations. The Sarah Kay is very similar to Hollie Hobby. Do you remember Gordon Fraser? The second card could be from that range, it has that look.
These are lovely. Hope John and Mary aren't reading this! xxx
sky-blu-pink said…
Oh lovely! I am sure you looked beautiful on your wedding day, we all do!
I LOVE those wedding's the little upturned noses, so sweet!! Sarah xo
Loving all your comments! Might just be tempted to share a wedding photo ... some day!
Hello Liz
Great cards I'm planning a vintage style wedding for the summer and would love to receive them. Really great art work x
oh, I remember those days well! so wonderful to have the memories to share . . .
Kezzie said…
How wonderful!!!! I love the cards, especially the big hatted one!x
Pam said…
I too had the "Deirdre Look" I never watched "Corrie" but apparently everytime I changed my hair style and/or specs it was matched by the character. I wore the Big Hair perm for a few years and almost miss it now, so easy to manage, wash dry fluff and go.
Helen said…
They're so cute! I love the illustrations! x
Robyn of Oz said…
I was married in 1982 and my mum arranged for our invites to be done by a local printer. These are very much the style that we ended up with. Like with all things, it was probably old stock because mum got a very good deal on them.
We'd been at cross purposes. They'd obviously settled on things and I was just supposed to approve it. I thought I was doing the choosing. This design was not my taste. I was accused of being rude, as I had no idea that all had been settled. I still wonder why they bothered asking me!
Thanks for the memories!

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