Wash Tub Blues!

Another kitchen disaster!  My washing machine gave up the ghost at the weekend, so I'm sitting waiting for my new one to arrive.

There's mounds off washing to catch up with, even although there's only hubby and I at home!  I remember when I was little, my Mum only did a washing once a week.  She had a twin tub which had to be pulled out, filled with water which was then heated up.  The clothes were done in batches, starting with the whites working down to my Dad's working clothes and my brother's football gear which went in last, because by this time the water wasn't quite so clean.  Then it all had to be rinsed and spun and the machine emptied!  Phew, no wonder she only did that once a week!

When the broken machine came out I noticed this  retro wallpaper in the space under the worktop.  Very "vintage" with its brown and orange design.  There's probably a "new" version of this on the go!  I've given it a bit of colour to jazz it up a bit.

Love, Liz


Robyn of Oz said…
We don't know we are alive compared to our mums and grannies! I remember the old washer with the mangle - aptly named - that my grandmother had. I got my fingers trapped in the mangle while helping her feed through shirts. Nasty! So spoilt with our modern equipment.
I hope you have fun with your new washer. :)
Curtise said…
My mum did the same, every Monday! The house always smelt of wet washing when I came home from school, goodness knows how she got it all dry in the winter months. Bedding and towels must have been a nightmare. I try and tell my kids not to wear something just once and stick in straight in the laundry basket, they can usually get another wear out of it, but we wore clothes for a lot longer back in the 1960-70s. xxx
Love the idea of the new old wallpaper! Hope that your new machine comes soon, thank goodness though that it won't be a twin tub!!! xx
mamasmercantile said…
I remember very well the days of the twin tub. My mum always did the washing on a Monday, baking on a Tuesday. Hope your new machine comes soon.
Mum said…
My mum had a twin tub too and when that died she wanted another twin tub rather than an automatic!
Love from Mum
I don't know how our grandmother's did it. Both of mine had 8 children....Love your vintage wallpaper. xo Karen
The Cloth Shed said…
Remember the twin tub too.... The spin with the rubber mesh on top of the clothes to keep them in place. Ah memories....
Julie x
Wendy Bayford said…
Same here, my Mum would spend hours battling with her twin tub every monday, then in to the tiny little spinner which only a few things would fit in at a time, then on to the line, heaven forbid it should start raining after all that hard work! We are so lucky nowadays!
Jacqui Wise said…
Hope you don't have to wait too much longer for your new washing machine to arrive. You don't realise how hard they work until they pack up and the dirty clothes start to pile up. Hope the sun shines when it arrives and you can get it all out on the line to dry!
sky-blu-pink said…
Brought back memories of Monday twintubs for me too!
Little Nell said…
A twin tub was a luxury! When i was little we had a wash-house and a copper boiler. I remember my Mum using big wooden togs to lift ou the steaming clothes. When she did graduate to a machine she still had toe mangle- rinse- mangle.

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