Just Knitting

Having a lazy Sunday!

Went out for a walk this morning and now just sitting knitting and listening to the radio.  Hubby making dinner, so don't have anything to do but relax.

Hope you are having a restful day too.

Love, Liz


Anne said…
I cant seem to get my crafting mojo back Liz at the moment.
My hubby is making our tea too so that I can do my blog, bless himXX
Aw - that's nice of him. Hopefully you will get back into crafting soon.
Vix said…
That sounds a lovely way to spend the day! Jon's just dishing up dinner whilst I catch up on blog reading! I'm spoilt, too! x
Mum said…
Lucky you.
Love from Mum
Jacqui Wise said…
Sounds like a relaxing day. I think I've overdone it in the garden - feeling shattered now.
Sounds like a perfect way to enjoy your Sunday!
sky-blu-pink said…
Perfect! Love those colours, so soft and gentle.
Linda said…
Lazy Sundays are great. Your header is beautiful.
Rachael said…
I've been like that but with cross stitching today, nice just to step back and do something relaxing and constructive all in one.
Robyn of Oz said…
Sounds perfect to me!
I've had trouble getting into the crafting spirit. I've got projects to finish and some to start. I have promised I won't start until the others are done. It's too easy for the Unfinished Objects to get too far out of control.
Sounds like a perfect way to spend a Sunday - your knitting looks lovely, too. Hugs xo Karen
Annie Cholewa said…
And another tea cosy? I'm liking the subtle colours of this one :)

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