Lilacs for Spring

Another tea cosy?!

Just had to knit this one because I loved these shades of purple and lilac together.

Looks good with my vintage Royal Vale lilac tea cups and saucers.

Just right for spring ... well, what passes for spring here in the west of Scotland!

Trying not to think about biscuits today!

Joining with Tea Time Tuesday.

Love, Liz


Tea in Texas said…
How pleasant to have lilacs for Spring! Your purple and lavender tea cosy is beautiful and cheery. I love the Royal Vale lavender flowers on your cups and saucers. This is certainly a wonderful way to spend tea time.

I LOVE your knitted tea cozy! The colors are lovely! And the violets teacups are beautiful! Have a wonderful week!
Mum said…
What a match!
Love from Mum
Gayla said…
Oh, I just love the lilac colors together! We actually look like Spring here today! But no tea cozy party like yours!
Curtise said…
Perfect match! Gorgeous colours, very pretty. xxx
I bought some purple shades of wool last week with the idea of making some cushions. Your cups are very pretty.
Your cozy looks beautiful with your china - which is beautiful itself! Hope that you are having some lovely tea parties! xx
Deb said…
Very nice. Love the flowers in the little pitcher. Deb
Hi Liz,
Oh, I cannot wait for the scent of lilacs but it will be a while before they bloom here. Winter is still very much with us. Your tea cozy is very cute and the teacups are lovely. A pretty tea post! Thank you for sharing and joining me for tea. Hope you're having a lovely day.

Vix said…
The perfect colour! I love purple! xxx
Hi Liz,
Your tea cosy looks so pretty with your lovely teacups. I love seeing your talents.
Jacqui Wise said…
I love the pretty lilacs you used for this tea cosy and they do go so well with your pretty violet tea cups and saucers. Biscuits....something chocolaty wrapped in purple foil or maybe a nice Cadbury's mini roll?
Vintage Jane said…
I always love a bit of regal purple ... ! M x
The cozy is so whimsical! I love your tea cups. Very beautiful!
Snap said…
Your vintage Royal Vale lilac tea cups and saucers are wonderful and look grand with your new purple/lavender cosy ... well done! Happy Tea Day!
Very pretty together. Love those colors. and your tea cozy is so cute. do you get tea stains on it near the spout? How do you get them out? I would love to use one like that, but would hate to stain it. Thanks.
They look wonderful together! :) x
AlisonB43 said…
Hi Liz

More lovely tea cosies, love purple and lilac myself; I hope you manage to sell lots of your tea cosies and baby blankets. You should have etsy shop.
Such pretty teacups, but I have to confess I'm loving the tea cozy in the two tone purple.
Clara said…
I love your purple tea cozy and it does look pretty with your lovely cups and saucers.
Beth in NEPA said…
What a beautiful tea cozy. I can't wait to find violets popping up in my yard. I love finding them every year.
sky-blu-pink said…
Perfect match of tea cosy and china, graces your table beautifully.
Unknown said…
How lovely!
Sarah x
Your tea cozy is so pretty and those tea cups are gorgeous!! You sure know how to welcome Spring!! Thanks for visiting my breakfast table, too!
Very lovely tea cosy! Gorgeous colors. I think I have a small sugar bowl in that pattern!
Rabenohr said…
Very beautiful.
Liebe Grüße
Just for those who were curious - all my tea cosies and baby blankets are machine washable.
Robyn of Oz said…
Very lovely Liz! I was fine until you mentioned biscuits. :)

Such pretty colours, Lovely X
Just love the color of your tea cozy! Lilac's and lavender so spring like!
How wonderfully charming! I'm more excited for spring's return than I've been in many years and cannot wait for the lilacs, purple and white alike, to start blossoming around our town again. I gather some from friends and relative's yards and fill as many rooms in the house as possible with them (as their scent is amongst my most favourite in the whole world).

Big hugs & many thanks for your lovely blog comment,
♥ Jessica
I knew you would come up with new colours!

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