Vintage Friday

Happy Vintage Friday
to all my lovely followers!

Later today I am going down to a charity shop to pick up a box filled with amazing loveliness!  It should be all packed up for me - all I'll have to do is unpack and wash!  Can't wait to show you my latest find!!!

Love, Liz


Robyn of Oz said…
Enjoy Liz! Christmas in March for you. :)
Paulette said…
You find thrift treasures that are so pretty, can't wait to see.
It will be wonderful seeing what treasures you come home with!
Your pink vintage teapot and platter are lovely.
Anne said…
Cant wait to see it all Liz! What do you do with all your treasures? Do you sell them on or display them? I am on the hunt for more lovely floral plates which I want to display on our Hall walls (newly decorated) but finds are drying up sadly.You are lucky to find anything reasonably priced or pretty.
I'll be anxious to see what lovies you show us!!
Stacy said…
You sound like my Scottish counterpart, Liz - rummaging at flea markets, vintage linens, and knitting and crocheting. Ah - it doesn't get any better than that! <3
sky-blu-pink said…
Ooh you lucky girl! I am truly envious! I am taking the girls on a study trip tomorrow to Brunel university and I shall trawl the charity shops of Uxbridge where I usually find a few gems! Looking forward to seeing your lovelies.
That is the sweetest little teapot and plate! Can't wait to see your new finds. xo Karen
Looking forward to seeing you new treasures. Just returned from Fife myself and have brought a few things back with me. Will have to get them photographed.

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