Puppies and Kittens

Of the illustrations in my Ladybird Book collection I think these are the sweetest.

They are from "Puppies and Kittens" in the Ladybird Learning to Read series.

The illustrations are by H Woolley.  I even like the font!

Just lovely and somehow very nostalgic.

Love, Liz

With regard to the Rupert jumper in previous post - I am definitely NOT knitting one for elder son - he is over 6 feet tall!  Can you imagine how much wool it would need and how long it would take me to knit!!!!!!!  Argh!


Vix said…
I remember it well probably where I got my love of kitties from! x
The illustrations are so well done and precious. What a nice collection of books. xoxo
Connie said…
I love that these are some of the first images to go into our brains.
Sylvia said…
Those illustrations are wonderful, Liz !
So cute !
Nice week,
sky-blu-pink said…
I haven't seen this one - very sweet!
Sharon said…
I love those pictures too.
Robyn of Oz said…
Naughty puppy! Aren't they gorgeous illustrations and the font would be lovely and clear for the beginning reader.
I loved Ladybird books when I was a child. I wonder what mum did with them.
Curtise said…
I remember this one from my childhood too, the illustrations a just so sweet! xxx
Illustrations then were so sweet!

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