Greenock Sunrise

I was up and out early this morning and managed to get a few photographs of the sunrise.

Hope you like them.

Love, Liz


Jem said…
Oh my! Liz, these are stunning! Incredible photos!

Jem xXx
Unknown said…
just gorgeous, thank you xx
Deborah said…
Wow, these are just beautiful! thanks for sharing :) have a great weekend.

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
bellaboo said…
You have captured it beautifully!
Stunning! :0)
Vintage Jane said…
They are fantastic. We do live on an amazing planet don't we? Hope you have a lovely weekend. M x
Mimi and Tilly said…
They are beautiful. xx
Debra said…
Beautiful pictures!
Little Nell said…
Beautiful, I always like sunrises- they’re all different.
Hello Liz:
Such dramatic,fiery images. Your photographs have captured the burning sunrise so perfectly. Molten gold yet with a touch of heather that really makes us think of Scotland.

We have found your most interesting and eclectic blog via Elizabeth Gilmore and we are so pleased to have arrived. We are now Followers in order to keep in touch and look forward to future posts.
Linda said…
Ohh thank you - I've never seen the sunrise from Greenock but have seen the sunset on our visits to see friends in Gunoon. - I so need to go back up there soon. Linda xxx
Danielle said…
This is a beautiful as a postcard! What a way to start the day : )

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