Red Queen

Have you noticed that postage stamp images are on everything at the moment - fabric, wrapping paper, greetings cards to name a few.  I recently saw a cushion with a stamp image on it.  The image of Queen Elizabeth is everywhere!

Had a look through a few stamps to see what I could find for Rednesday.

Absolutely love these old Australian ones - especially the first one - it looks so ... perfect!

Canadian postage stamp of Queen Elizabeth, not sure what the symbol in the top left hand corner is.

Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria.

Perhaps these are more orange than red.  Love the Scottish version with the lion.

Love, Liz


sara said…
Beautiful stamps, but my, how the price of postage has gone up. x
claire said…
awww she looks good in red! x
Tina said…
I love stamps and these are so cool! The many faces of Queen Elizabeth. :)
Jem said…
I'm a stamp lover in terms of using them for crafty pursuits I've got to say - I love them!

I do miss the red stamps for first class! :-)

Jem xXx
LV said…
Enjoyed visiting and your stamp post. Very interesting and different.
Ann said…
I like to find stamps but they are so hard to find here. Think the cushion is a cute idea.
Catherine said…
Love the different reds.
Scarlett said…
I Agree too, she looks lovely in red and yes stamp prints are everywhere :o) Scarlett x
Max said…
Cool stuff, I must investigate Rednesday! I'm going to look out for some cool Britannia stamps just like these for art in my doll house do-up x
Kylie said…
I think you're right Liz, she looks the most loveliest on the Australian stamp (and this has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I'm an Aussie!).

Making it Vintage is spot on with her observation about the cost of postage...sending even the smallest thing o/s from here costs a bomb!
*Susycottage* said…
What a beautiful, Liz, these stamps,
very interesting, but because
always red? Excuse my ignorance!
a hug
Suzy x
Hi Suzy - our stamps come in all different colours, depending on their value. Thanks for asking.
Unknown said…
I have noticed that too & I have to say I love it. The the profile of the queen on the stamp - very regal (but I guess that is the point).

Karen S Booth said…
She looks GREAT in red! Wonderful post....I saw a carpet with a stamp on it a while back!

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