Hurricane Katia

The tail end of hurricane Katia has arrived!

I met a friend for coffee in Largs hits morning and then, despite the high winds and torrential rain, I decided to have a wee wander round the shops!  Fortunately (for once) there were slim pickings in the charity shops, so I decided to get the bus back home.

What a journey!  The road from Largs to Greenock follows the coast - and there was a particularly high tide.  At one point there was a large puddle on the road which the bus ploughed through - just as a huge wave broke onto the road!  Despite the fact that all the bus windows were closed, a small amount of sea water actually sprayed into the bus!  Thank goodness for a skillful driver!  Seaweed and other debris was scattered all over the road - the waves were extremely high -  absolutely treacherous!  In all the years that I've lived here, I don't think I've ever seen it as bad as it was!

I'm back home and have had a wee cuppa, but I've just heard on the radio that the road is now closed!

Much as I love the river, I wouldn't like to be out on the Clyde today!

Hope you are having more settled weather wherever you are.

Love, Liz


Unknown said…
Glad you are safe, it's very windy here too xx
VintageVicki said…
That sounds a bit close for my liking. I did see the lunchtime news and the presenter was on the Scottish coast somewhere - she was being blown about and sprayed with seawater.

Whilst its a bit windy here - its much calmer than further north.

Keep safe and hope Katia passes soon without too much mess and damage.
Kandi said…
Wow that sounds really scary! It's very very blustery up here in Northumberland today, just got home from work and was delighted to find everything still intact!
Kandi x
Jem said…
Safe and warm, indoors with a cuppa is exactly where you need to be. I'd pop over with the cake I made and join you if you weren't so far ;-)

Glad you're in one piece and not swept away!

Jem xXx
Vintage Jane said…
Gosh Liz, hope you will be ok. Hopefully, it won't last for much longer. We have been lucky down here - just some gusty winds, but nothing too fierce. Take care. M x
Blimey - definitely sounds like an excuse to stay inside with hot chocolate and a good book!
Rachael said…
Glad your ok! My bus was having a good sway all the way home tonight, was a bit daunting i will be honest x
Karen S Booth said…
Stay inside Liz with lots of tea and cake! Not too bad here ~ but a wee bit windy.
Linda said…
glad you are safe and sound - lot of wind here in the North east of England with some tree branches down, but not too bad on the rain front. Linda xxx
Unknown said…
Glad you had a safe journey home,talk about wild,can't believe how wet & windy it is hopefully it will calm down tomorrow.XManda X
Thanks for all your comments. Sounds like most places in the UK got some of the bad weather. The sun is trying to shine today, so hoping for a nicer day.
claire said…
it was a wee bit windy down here on the east coast, we couldnt put the shop sign or flags out as they kep bloing down the street! Not as bad as you have it though!

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