Show of Presents

When I had my visitors last weekend, I wanted to make my breakfast table look pretty and needed some glasses for orange juice.  Looked in cupboard - didn't have six matching glasses!  Then I remembered that somewhere in my "big" cupboard (you know, the one you only venture into in emergencies!) I had a couple of boxes with old fashioned glasses.  They would have to do!

Found three lots - two sets of wine glasses and a set of sundae dishes - they had all been wedding presents.

Must have been a popular make in the 70s - actually think I've seen some of these in the charity shops!

Even found the little gift cards inside - aren't they cute?!  But I have absolutely no recollection of the people who gave me them - the names inside don't ring any bells!  Perhaps they were Mum's friends.

Do any of you remember having a "show of presents"?  Don't know if this was a local custom or if it was popular all over.  Don't think they happen any more.  This was when you displayed all your wedding gifts and then all your friends and aunties came round to view them.  It was the bridesmaid's job to take wee groups round and tell who had given what!  It was also a great excuse for the aunties to have a wee sherry or two and a good gossip!

Of course in those days, presents were usually of the practical variety, as most of us were setting up home from scratch and needed absolutely everything.  Looking at this photo - I am still actually using the mixer and the electric knife!  Some of the other bits and pieces were in use until quite recently!  Also still use the cutlery.

Even if I hadn't told you - I think you could guess this was the 70s!  Now, what gives it away ..... hmm ..... could it be the plethora of orangness?!

Have a great weekend.

Love, Liz


Nelly said…
I love those cards so sweet even if you dont know the givers.May as well use the glass ware while you can such a waste to hide such lovelies away.I dont think I have any of my wedding presents anymore.Actually am pretty sure I dont.Wish I did now tho after seeing yours lol xx
lucy joy said…
Liz, I thoroughly appreciated this post. I think it's a shame wedding gifts are now pretty much a thing of the past.
If/when I get married, I'd love to have a 'show of presents' and I'd be really pleased to have a show as impressive as yours.
Thanks for sharing your fantastic haul which proves some things were meant to last (love, electric knives and mixers!)
Lucy x
Unknown said…
Love the little glasses. The photo made me smile, reminds me of my childhood, just about everything was orange and brown then!! eeeek! Love dusty bin??! xx
Dusty bin was well used when the kids came along - they called him tin man! Notice another two orange bins!!!!! Folk must have thought I was a bit messy! (ha ha)
bellaboo said…
I remember the excitement of coming back from our wedding night in the hotel to my parents house and opening all our presents infront of all the family.
My poor sister and her husband had 10 decanters given to them,even though they did have a wedding pressie list! :0)
Karen S Booth said…
Yes, we had a "show" of presents too, and I was SO excited abut it, it was all so amazingly generous and we got lovely things!
I LOVE your glasses and the cards are so poignant and sweet!
Jane said…
Hi Liz,
I have never heard about a "show" of presents. Sounds like a fun idea. Glad you found some glasses in your cupboard and how funny that you still had the little gift card inside!
I read your profile and have to are lucky to live in such a beautiful place. Last summer we vacationed in the UK and we were lucky enough to spend a little time in Scotland. We really enjoyed it.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and following! I'm your newest follower now.
Enjoy your weekend.
Unknown said…
Love your pretty ,pretty glasses,bet youre breakfast table looked fab,haha lovin the dusty bin I had one of these too ..Didn't every one??
.......X Manda X .......
Catherine said…
I had a show of presents in the 80's here.But we had a wedding list, so we had only the things we choose. Your glasses are vintage now! and pretty.
Madison said…
My hubs' cousin got married about 6 years ago and she had a show of presents.

Bet you had a lovely trip down memory lane.

Madison xxx
Little Nell said…
I see you got a pressure cooker - wouldn’t be without mine!
Brought back so many memories! Amazing how nothing matched - nobody would have thought to ask if your bathroom was a certain colour! There's even a wall- mounted tin opener in there! How posh is that!!!!!!
BusyLizzie said…
Great post! Love the pic of the show of presents. Brilliant. Lizzie x
BusyLizzie said…
Thank you for your blog comment too! Lizzie x
I've never heard of the show of presents, but I only got married in 2003. We did have lovely gifts though, and I do use (almost) all of them.

I'm loving that you got a dusty bin for a wedding gift! I had one of those as a child - I then took out the red inner bin and continued to use it as a teen who was too cool for a fluffy bin ;-)

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