Fabric Photos

Transferring photographs onto fabric was something I'd wanted to try for ages.  While I was in Wilkinson's today - lo and behold - their photo transfer paper was reduced to £2!  So I thought I'd give it a go.

image from the Graphics Fairy
I chose some pictures and illustrations then decided on what sizes I wanted to try.  I just wanted some small pictures to start with.  There's a comprehensive instructions leaflet inside the paper pack.

Its just a case of printing, cutting out and ironing.

Unfortunately I didn't have any plain white fabric which would have shown these off much better!

Please remember that if you chose an image with writing, you will have to set your printer to mirror printing.

There are lots of uses apart from t-shirts -  
Wouldn't it be lovely to use some old family photos and make a heritage quilt, mixing them with other fabrics?
Little cushions or lavender bags would be nice too.
Pictures of pets could be incorporated into a cushion.
Bunting made of baby photos to embarrass your kids on their 21st (no, that's just me being evil!)!!!
Personalised table napkins with names in fancy fonts.

I'm sure many of you lovely ladies will have used this technique already, and have thought up lots of lovely ideas of your own.  I'd love to hear what you have created.

Love, Liz


Little Nell said…
Oh dear, now I have something else on my wish list.
lucy joy said…
£2? Brilliant. I bet I'd make a right pig's ear of this - I'm such a messy crafter!

Love what you chose to print.

Lucy x
Used-to-Bees said…
Although I've printed on fabric before, I've never used this transfer paper, so it's good to see how good your results are! I bet you'll have loads of fun with these images - and I do so hope we'll see what you create with them.
Vintage Jane said…
I've never tried this but would love to have a go. Will have to pop into my local Wilko's and see if they have any paper. M x
claire said…
wow looking good! Ive never really thought about doing this, but i'll be looking out for the transfer paper!
Kandi said…
Impressive! I've also used transfer paper but it didn't cone out lime yours! I will definitely give this a go - you've got my mind whizzing now
Kandi x
Karen S Booth said…
Fabulous! I want to try that now......I love the results you achieved too!

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