Pink Thread

I was speaking to a friend about sewing and said how much I loved the old wooden thread reels compared to the modern ones.

Next time I saw her she presented me with these two lovely reels of pink thread that she had in her sewing box.  The colours are very pretty.

The paper bag she gave me them in is very unusual.  It would appear to be a Dutch street scene - she thought perhaps Amsterdam.

Just thought I'd share it with you.

Enjoy your weekend.

Love, Liz


Yes, there is something very pleasing about wooden cotton reels. Might have to start a collection..... Have a wonderful weekend.
Mum said…
Ah - a collection. Yes I, agree the wooden reels are far superior. What an unusual bag. It would look good framed.
Love from Mum
Missy said…
I am going to have a hunt in my sewing box, (and my mum's) to see if I have any wooden cotton reels lurking about!
Scarlett said…
You know im a huge fan of the wooden cotton reels - they are so pretty :o) Scarlett x
Kylie said…
A friend gave me some to recently, it's the names of the colours I boring old numbers like the plastic ones today.
Hi Liz,

Love this post. You always get me thinking : )
The colors of the threads are so pretty!

Hope all is well.
Tina said…
The colours of the threads are so cute and sweet!

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