Bargain Ballet Book

If you are a ballet fan then I think you will like this little book.  Its called "Balletomania, The Story of an Obsession" and is by Arnold L Haskell.  It was first published in 1934.  I was lucky to buy it for a few pence!

Tamara Toumanova in Les Sylphides 1934
It contains some lovely photographs.

Anna Pavlova - Maryinsky period

And not a few strange ones!

There are also some interesting illustrations which have been taken from sketches from actual productions.

Masks from Le Renard (M Larinov)
It would appear that Arnold L Haskell was absolutely obsessed with ballet, its history and performers.

Le Coq d'Or (N Gontcharova)

An interesting wee book - even though I know nothing about ballet!

Mask in Contes Russes (M Larinov)
Love, Liz

I'm linking with Sophie at Her Library Adventures for Flea Market Finds.


Paulette said…
The illustrations are wonderful! I love to read, hold, and find old beautiful books such as yours. Nice find. I am your new follower.
Annie said…
What a fascinating book, especially the x ray photo !
Ann x
Karen S Booth said…
Wonderful ~ I love books like that and what a bargain too.
Jem said…
This looks like a fascinating buy!!

Jem xXx
Rachael said…
That looks a good little read x
Looks like a wonderful book. I'm a huge ballet fan. Have a great day!
Linda said…
Hi Liz, thanks for your comment on my blog. I've just spent a happy hour or so looking through all of your back posts - lovely blog which I shall be following keenly from now on. We've often driven through Greenock on our way to the Western Ferries terminal when going to visit friends in Dunoon. I've always thought it looked like it has some beautiful architecture so I have loved seeing a bit more of it all in your blog posts. Linda xxx
Little Nell said…
I’m not a ballet fan but i do like the quirky! That death mask is definitely in that category.
Anonymous said…
Very interesting find! I like quirky too :)
nadine paduart said…
thank you for this little tour around ballet!
Sylvia said…
That looks like a lovely book, Liz !
I also love old books.
Wish you a nice week,
Zara said…
Those first couple of pics are lovely. Looks like an interesting book. x
claire said…
i love looking at old photos. I always like to make up little stories about the people in them :)

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