Doors Open Day - Bridgeton Heritage Trail

I absolutely love Doors Open Days.  This year a friend and I decided to go on the Bridgeton Heritage Trail in Glasgow.  It was absolutely fantastic - not just for the wonderful architecture, but also for the marvellous insight into life in Bridgeton in the past.  Our guide was very knowledgeable and enthusiastic which made the tour even more enjoyable.  Bridgeton is to the east of Glasgow Green.

Here are some highlights.  This is the fountain erected in memory of Bailie (Scottish civic office) James Martin in 1894.  Looks like lace, doesn't it - amazing workmanship!

This building is absolutely amazing and I'm glad it was such a beautiful day for taking photographs.  It was built as a private residence for a mill owner in 1846.  In 1859 it was converted to a school with money from Glasgow merchant James Buchanan.  Named the Buchanan Institute for Education and Industrial Training, it took in destitute boys and gave them the chance of a better future.

The pediment was added in 1873.  Wonder how many boys benefited from this establishment.

Right next to this is the former Logan & Johnston School of Domestic Economy (1890).  Love this sculpture of a beehive - symbol of industry.

Great sculpture on Bridgeton Public Library - still in use today.  In fact, on our tour was a woman who had worked there years ago then left for America.  She was visiting for the first time in ages.  Think it was quite an emotional tour for her.

Perhaps one of the most famous landmarks of the area is the Bridgeton Cross Shelter, or the Bridgeton Umbrella as it is more commonly called.  It really is quite striking. 

The area seems to be undergoing a bit of a facelift.  Its very encouraging when councils recognise the importance of their heritage and ensure that it is saved to be passed on to future generations.

That, I think, is one of the most important aspects of Doors Open Day - local people exploring and revisiting what is on their doorstep and learning to appreciate it through the efforts of local heritage groups and volunteers.

Let Glasgow Flourish

You can actually follow the Bridgeton Heritage Trail on the Glasgow City Council website.  There's lots of other interesting articles there too.

Love, Liz


@nne said…
just wonderful! have a nice day, @nne
lucy joy said…
Great photographs, looks like a lovely day out. The details are intricate and ornate without being OTT.

I wish more buildings were erected made from red brick - I love it.

Thanks for sharing,

Little Nell said…
Thank you for allowing us to acompany you on the tour Liz. I like the pensive schoolboy, but he looks lonely perched up there.
Mum said…
I like 'looking up' at old buildings. The detail and work on some is amazing. It's a shame that many buildings are in a state of disrepair so it's good to see your picture showing a council that cares enough to look after its heritage.
Love from Mum
Anonymous said…
Someday! I say it all the time. Someday - I WILL get to Scotland and take a tour of all the wonderful history there! As an American, I love how those of you in "the old countries" really maintain your heritage and landmarks. Even your ancient ruins are preserved as best as can be. Here, we build and 50 years later tear it down for a new and improved version. Hate that. So much history is lost. I am involved with a local history group and we're all about preserving and educating the community about those who have gone before us - without whom we wouldn't be where we are - good, bad, or inbetween! Loved the virtual tour! Thanks, Liz!
Miss Kathy
haizi daizi said…
Hello Liz, what beautiful pictures and lovely to see the buildings in so much detail. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog and for following me. I look forward to coming back and reading some of your previous posts so have added myself as your newest follower. Wishing you a happy Wednesday, Haizi
Thanks for coming over and seeing my new cow

Those old building are wonderful here in my town the city tears down old buildings seems like they only like new buildings, the history is lost I think

It is always fun to see your sweet baby face

Catherine said…
Beautiful with a blue sky!

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