Beatles Quiz

When I was rummaging in my big cupboard I found some bits and pieces which I thought I had thrown out many years ago.  I was absolutely delighted to find that I had kept this -
2/6 probably a month's pocket money!

The Beatles Quiz Book from 1964 - although, of course you will understand that I was only a baby at the time (ahem)!

It has a couple of good photographs and lots of black and white illustrations.

Some of the questions are a bit obscure, but I remember my friends and I trying to memorise the answers!

There are questions on the individuals, their hits, films, early years, etc - fantastic!

OK - here's a few questions - remember this is from 1964 - see how many you can answer! 

*      How did the Beatle fans get their ardour cooled in Glasgow?
*      What made the Beatles cry?
*      What is the Beatles favourite dance?
*      Fashion-wise, what do all the Beatles have in common?

I'll put the answers in the comments section.
absolutely love this photo

Love, love me do, Liz


Ok, how many did you get right?

1. A security man turned a hose on them at Scottish Television studios.
2. An onion sent to them by a fan.
3. The "Mashed Potato" Twist.
4. Trouser bottoms of 14 ½ inches.

I told you there were some obscure answers!
Unknown said…
The mashed potato twist??? What? Never even heard of it!! lol I knew the 4th one. The others....not so much.
sara said…
I am a failed Beatles fan.....hangs head in shame......still love their music though x
Unknown said…
I love this , being an old Beatles fan too . Saw them in 1965 when they came across the pond to visit again. I couldn't answer any of those questions though .
I have a picture of them hanging over my window in my work room that my son gave me a few years back . Helps me to remember my youth. lol
Ok - I'll admit that I looked for some of the most obscure questions! But 60s sense of humour does seem to be a bit different!
Kylie said…
That is a great pic Liz. Sorry but my knowledge on The Beatles is extremely limited. My favourite Beatles song is Norwegian Wood, that's all I've got for you x
Paulette said…
Love your post -fun quiz.
Scarlett said…
Great book, I was a bit rubbish on the questions though ;o) Scarlett x
Pomona said…
I am afraid that I didn't have a clue about any of them - a bit before I woke up to music! They all used to look so smart. I was more of a New Romantic girl - shawls, big hair and lots of make up!

Pomona x
Vintage Jane said…
Just spent a while catching up with your latest interesting blog posts. Failed spectacularly on the quiz! M x

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