I Love Hidden Object Games!

Ok, this is difficult to admit ... are you ready ...

My name is Liz, and I'm a hidden object games addict!

Even the little cat look embarrassed!
There, I said it!  They are my favourite time wasters fillers!  Have you ever tried them?

My all time favs are the Mystery PI games.  As in all hidden object games, you are given a scene and a list of objects which have been cleverly hidden.  You then have a certain amount of time to find all the objects, usually you can get hints if you are really stuck, but sometimes you have to earn these.  I've even managed to get a couple of friends addicted to enjoying these games!

I always thought computer games were for kids and nerds, but once I tried one of these I was totally hooked!  There are sites online where you can try out games for an hour for free.

Another favourite is the Dream Day series - Dream Day Wedding, Honeymoon, First Home etc - these are most definitely aimed at us girls!  I've only tried the freebie hour on these, as they are very difficult to obtain in games shops.  I've made it a mission to go into games shops and ask for them, the look on the (usually) geeky guy shop assistant is priceless - a (middle aged) woman asking for a game he's usually never heard of - outrageous!!!!!!!

So there you have it, that's my conscience clear for a wee while.  I only just last week discovered FreeCell ..... more distraction!

OK, come on girls, admit - what's your favourite pc time waster?!

Love, Liz


keshling said…
Erm.....reading blogs? ;P

K xx
GardenOfDaisies said…
I didn't know they made those for the computer! But I do love searching for objects. Do you remember the Where's Waldo books?
Unknown said…
Hi Liz, well i'm all for keeping the old brain cells active, years ago me and hubby used to sit and play Tomb Raider on the play station for hours after oldest child had gone to bed....so addictive!! I'm afraid my biggest pc time waster now is Blogging!!
bellaboo said…
Ebay and blogging! :0)
Rachael said…
When I had a proper computer I use to still be obbessed with the Titanic game when you had to battle against the clock to solve a murder and save yourself. Now its more blogger and facebook!
I have to admit that since starting blogging I am spending less time on hidden object games, but every now and again I get re-hooked (is that even a term?)! Guess I should get a life!
Hmm, I would have to day my time waster is blogging.
oops that was suppose to be 'say' not 'day :)
Nelly said…
My PC past time blogging and blog reading,I dont play games I have enough addictions already lol Used to be addicted to online free poker and have done those hidden object ones you meantioned My son loves them too. xxx
Mimi and Tilly said…
Blogging and blog reading! Although I do occasionally take a walk on the wild side with a wee game of solitaire. I know, I'm on the edge. Em xx

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