The Four Marys and Bunty

I found this Bunty annual from 1980 in a charity shop recently.  It took me back to my youth (well before 1980, I hasten to add), when I used to rush home from school on a Wednesday, I think, to see if my Mum had picked up my Bunty comic from the newsagents!

I'm sure Bunty wore a vest in my day!
Does anyone remember the cut out figure and clothes - I think these used to be on the back page of the comic.  I faithfully cut them out and stored them in a little soap box.

The Four Marys, my favourite - this looks a bit dated for 1980 - wonder if it is an old story.  Mabel and Veronica - the "baddies" - hmm, a bit butch, perhaps?!

Love this story "Nearly New From Netta" - about Netta who works in a nearly new clothes shop.  Old lady brings in dress - a girl wants to buy it because "that style is back in fashion"!  But the old lady wants it back!  Seems she and her fiancé quarrelled while she was wearing that dress, he left her and she thought it might be bad luck.  Ends up she lets the girl have the dress and everyone lives happily ever after!!!!!!
All that excitement in a charity shop! 

Some of you may have been Judy readers - I swapped with my friend once we had finished our comics, but I preferred the Bunty.

Next comic/mag after that (once you were a bit older) - everyone's favourite - the Jackie!  Oh, memories!

Have a great weekend.

Love, Liz


Fabulous - Mabel and Veronica look like escapees from Prisoner: Cell Block H! The magazine I remember always getting was for teeny girls - my mum used to buy me 'Twinkle' when I was about 4, so I'm on the look out for those annuals. Love the Nearly New story.
Little Nell said…
Oh Liz you’ve awakened old memories here. I have to say I’m amazed to see Bunty in a bra and pants; in my day it was probably a vest! But I’m talking about nearly twenty years earlier. The four Marys were around then too. I had ‘Robin’ when I was little and ‘Sunny Stories’ then graduated to ‘Bunty’, 'Diana and ‘Princess’. I don’t remember having ‘Jackie’ and wentstraight on to NME :)
Oh, I remember Diana - thought I was quite sophisticated reading that! Can't remember any of the stories, though! Had a doll called Diana too (although that was previous to comic)!
keshling said…
Oh I remember the Four Marys! I read Bunty and Princess....such innocent fun wasn't it?

K xx
Used-to-Bees said…
I used to get Bunty from time to time, and earlier Twinkle. I wanted my head to be tagged onto the fairy body in that feature they had - the rather cosseted girl next door had once featured in it! But Jackie was my all time favourite - I always walked home the three miles from school instead of taking the bus so I could stop in town and get it from the newsagent the day it came out!
Nelly said…
I am so glad you found one everytime I see mine I think of you.Jinty was the one I reameber the most as my cousin got every issue.She would have still had them if her dad hadnt had a hissy fit and thrown them all away.

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