I Won!

Lucky me! My first ever blog giveaway win - from the lovely Kandi at Kandipandi's Pad.  You really must check out her blog and see all the lovely things that she makes!

The giveaway was the magazine "Homemade", but Kandi added a few lovely little parcels!

A ring, earrings and a lovely flower brooch!

Some lovely buttons and ribbon - will have to get crafty now!

Thank you so much Kandi - everything is just beautiful! 

Tall Ships

OK - cue music - theme from the Onedin Line - da da da ......

The ships started arriving at Greenock yesterday!

What a wonderful sight!

Love, Liz


Kylie said…
Lovely, lovely prize Liz...and those tall ships...majestic...breathtaking...I would love to see them in the flesh!

ps thanks to your pics, I can see why they are called tall ships...how frightening it would be having to climb those masts! Not a job I would ever be able to do I'm afraid.
Pene said…
Lucky you winning Lisa giveaway, I'm swap partners with her for Lala's swap. She's lovely and makes some wonderful things, have a look at her folksy shop.
Hoping to get to see the tall ships tomorrow weather depending. Have a great weekend
Pene x
Jem said…
There's something special about boats and ships - I love being on the water!

Jem xXx
Wendy said…
Your photos are amazing. Those ships are magnificent!

And your prize is not to shabby either. :)
Harriet said…
Love those tall ships and your beautiful tea cosies. Reminds me that I must make a knitted one! And thanks for your comments on my blog, glad you like them.

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