Cottage Tea Cup

Because it was so warm, I wasn't really in the mood for charity shopping!  Shock!  Horror!  Have you noticed that some charity shops get a bit, well ... how can I put this ... smelly in warmer weather?  Recently, everything that I have seen that I liked has been (with a few exceptions) overpriced, so I wasn't expecting much!

I'd almost given up on finding anything that I liked at a reasonable price when, tra la .....    I found these little beauties!

I already have some in this pattern, I wrote about them ages ago here.  But I like them so much, that I wanted a few more pieces to make up a set.  Love the little cottage and garden - so cute!

There they were, just sitting on the shelf, very, very reasonably priced, so I snapped them up!  Restored my faith in bargain hunting!

Been looking for a tea cosy like this for ages, this goes so well with my kitchen and was only £1.50 from Tesco!  Last time I saw one I liked in a charity shop it was over four pounds and it wasn't half as nice as this, although someone had marked "vintage" on the price tag!!!!!!  Good excuse to bump the price up!

Looking forward to seeing what you've found this week over at Flea Market Finds!

Love, Liz


Nelly said…
I cant help but to buy more teasets when I see them Maybe one day I shall have a tea shop next to my vintage dress shop? Yere dream on but yours are so beautiful I cant find ones like that here at all.
gillyflower said…
Pretty cups and saucers! Well Done!It is getting more difficult I think to find decent stuff in the CSs and at a sensible price. Before "vintage" became fashionable you could pick up wonderful things for next to nothing.
Even paperbacks that you could pick up for 10 or 20p are now £1.50 upwards.
Moan moan moan!!!!!Must be getting old!
Have a great day, thanks for sharing your lovely finds!
Gill xx
Good bargains for those willing to breathe only through their mouth...I know what you mean about the hot charity shop aroma sometimes! She who dares...
Kylie said…
What a pretty tea set has your name all over it, so does the tea cosy with it's little chook. Definetely worth putting up with a whiffy smell I think...x
Such a pretty china set. I love anything with gorgeous English cottages and countryside. Great finds.
Pam x
Lea said…
How great that you found some more pieces to add to your set. Such a pretty design too.
Charming china and such a pretty shade of pink in those flowers!!
Scarlett said…
hahah at smelly CS's - totally true esp the ones in my town who seem to employ males with the worst BO - must be on the job requirement list! Beautiful tea cup :o) Scarlett x
Rachael said…
That tea cosy is so cute!
bellaboo said…
Can never resist anything with a cottage and flowers on! And that is a really cute tea cosy. :0)
Such charming teacups, Liz! Great find!
Tina said…
Hi Liz,
Just found your blog and I am so glad I did. It's a beautiful place with lots of goodies and great tips. :)
I have been lost on your archive.
Vintage Jane said…
I had one of these cups recently which I made into a cup candle. If I'd known you were looking out for more I would have winged it off to you as a little pressie! M x
nadine paduart said…
so romantic, that darling little drawing on each and all...
Hi Liz....!!

THANKS so much for popping over Lovey.... :o) !!

We have the same problem down here....Shopping is VERY light on these days in the Op-Shops....I remember 7 years ago I'd go out for the day & come back with a van load....Now....With Dealers working out the back getting the good stuff before it makes it out onto the floor etc....It's getting HARDER....That's WHY I LOVE Hard Rubbish so much....!!

That being said, you found yourself some Treasures....What a SWEET design....The Op-Shop Gods must have been smiling your way....!!

Enjoy the rest of the week....I hope it cools down for you....!!

Cheers from Oz,
Tamarah :o)

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