Ladybird Books - Bargains!

I love Ladybird books, but much prefer the older versions.  Found these in my favourite second-hand bookshop recently.

They cost just 10p each!  Five of them have dust jackets.  I think they are all from the 1960s.

Two, Julius Caesar and Robert the Bruce have the name of the publisher Wills & Hepworth on the dust jackets.

Three - King Alfred the Great, The Story of Nelson and The Story of Captain Cook - have this logo which I've not seen before.

My favourite is The Story of Ships - just love the illustrations!

Think I've done quite well for 60p!

Hope you got some good bargains this week.

Love, Liz

I'm linking up with Sophie Isabel at Her Library Adventures for Flea Market Finds


Nelly said…
wOW you scored well a few years back BB (before blogging) I saw a pile at an oppy and when I went back they were all gone.Hard to find now see a few new ones but they arent the same are they?
Little Nell said…
You did do well. My favourites were alway the nature ones which told you what to look for in Spring, Summer etc - timeless.
gillyflower said…
Hi Liz!
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment - am glad you did as now I've found yours!
Great finds here - what a good deal - the old ladybird books are such wonderful classics.
Gill xx
Scarlett said…
Blimey these were a complete bargain! Scarlett x
Jem said…
Oh I love anything remotely historical. The Ladybird books are some of the fondest memories of my childhood :-)

Jem xXx
Rachael said…
Ladybird books where always the best. I remember having a lot when I was little but i'm not sure what they were about!
Kylie said…
The older ones are much nicer, that's for sure Liz...the illustrations and the feel of the paper...I have never come across any with dust jackets before so these were definetely a great find. I know how thrilled you woud've been to find "Ships" I love the logo too.
Ihave just discovered your lovely blog! You can't beat the illustrations in the ladybird books. Like Jem, they bring back fond childhood memories.
Isabelle x
Vintage Jane said…
Done well? You hit the jackpot! These are lovely - as you know I love and collect Ladybird books but it is becoming really hard to find them in good condition so to have their dust jackets as well is an added bonus. M x

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