Greenock - Tall Ships Race 2011

Yesterday was an absolutely wonderful day!  Tall Ships Race 2011 - Greenock.
Remember to click on photos to see more details.

One of the most memorable local occasions for years.  I wish I was a proper writer so that I could give you a flavour of just how amazing it was to see so many sailing vessels on the Clyde.

Everyone from miles around who had a boat was out to say goodbye to our visitors - even the odd pirate ship!

For those of a nervous disposition - don't look at the next few photos.  Some of you mentioned that there was no way you could stand on the rigging - well some brave souls did - look!

This is the Columbian ship "Gloria"  - wow, how brave are they?!

Of course no event like this would be safe without our trusty coastguard - what a great job they do, keeping folk safe.

It was marvellous!

That's all folks!

Love, Liz


Unknown said…
Wow it looks like a fantastic day, very brave on the rigging, I don't have sea legs at all i'm afraid but the ships look beautiful, very majestic xx
What a fantastic display of ships, 'Gloria' is just magnificent with the flags and the colourful crew! Thanks for sharing the wonderful photo's I can smell the sea air. Tam x
Used-to-Bees said…
What a wonderful sight - would love to have seen it. The ship with all the sailors in the rigging looks fabulous especially with all those flags!
Wow, how lovely...looks like a perfect day near the water!
What fabulous shots of those grand ships. That rigging would definately not be on my to do list.
Pam x
Debra said…
Beautiful! What a fun day. I am pretty sure I wouldn't be standing on the rigging.:)
Meggie said…
So glad I found this older post...oh how I wish I could have seen this with my camera. Love looking at your older posts. I can barely wait to return to Scotland for another holiday.

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