A Beautiful Ruined Church in Liverpool

I seem to have a love for old, ruined buildings.  This is what is left of a church in Liverpool which was bombed during the war.  I loved the look of the ruins.  Places like this seem to have a special atmosphere.

This plaque tells the story.  I think it was brave of Liverpool Council to leave it as it was - so many bombed areas were flattened and monstrous edifices put in their place - as happened here in Greenock.

The building is used occasionally for outdoor events, but still retains an air of peace.

Love the architecture.  So much detailed work went into these buildings.

You can still see the remains of the stained glass in some places.

A lovely place to visit and photograph.

Enjoy your weekend - wherever you are.

Love, Liz


Unknown said…
This looks like a beautiful place Liz, I just love the first photo, with the ivy, nature reclaiming it's hold, thanks for sharing. xx
Spectacular! Thanks for the photos, Tam x
These images brought back memories of when I visited my sister-in-law in Liverpool. The remains that are left of this church are truly beautiful. Liverpool is a very interesting city. I love it.

Thanks for visiting me. Love your blog.
Pam x
sara said…
Nice to hear from you Liz,

I love these old ruins too, they are so atmospheric and I always try to imagine how people lived their day to day lives in such wonderful grand places.

I love your pictures, they really do justice to this old church.


lily x
Betty said…
Oh yes, how beautiful and majestic yet tranquil. So glad it has been kept, studied and appreciated for it amazing architecture instead of coming under attack of vandalism, graffiti, and the likes. Thank you for sharing. Great photos as usual. Hugs,
Little Nell said…
Lovely pictures Liz!
Mimi and Tilly said…
Every Saturday I sit on the steps of this church with my Significant Other and we have a picnic. It's our treat for the week. I'm so glad you love it too! Em xxx
Oh Liz You certainly have my attention with the Beautiful Images of Gothic Arches! Thank You for Sharing!!
Thank you for your Visit and Kind Comments. It was wonderful to see everyone's Creative Spaces.
Hope you had a Wonderful Weekend!
Vintage Jane said…
What a fantastic place. I can just imagine having a wonderful outdoor wedding here. M x

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